
Module 5 Toys Unit 9 Is it a cat?第二课时 课件(19张ppt)

日期:2024-06-03 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:52次 大小:100240059Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Module 5 Toys Unit 9 Is it a cat? Period 2 单词巩固 cat kite bear dog rabbit 单词巩固 你还知道哪些玩具名称? plane car ball bear gun 单词巩固 It's ...'s ... It's Jiamin's dog. 单词巩固 It's ...'s ... It's Janet's bear. 单词巩固 It's ...'s ... It's Xiaoling's rabbit. 单词巩固 It's ...'s ... It's Janet's kite. 课文回顾 No, it isn't. Is it a cat? Yes, it is. It's Jiamin's dog. Is it a rabbit? No, it isn't. Is it a dog? Fun with language Look and match dog bear rabbit cat ball kite Liaten and number 1 3 5 6 2 4 Liaten and number 1. M: Is it a bear? W: No. It's a cat. 2. M: Is it a dog? W: Yes, it is. 3. M: Is it a bear? W: Yes, it is. 4. M: Is it a dog? W: No. It's a rabbit. 5.M: Is it a kite? W: Yes, it is. 6. M: Is it a ball? W: Yes, it is. 听力原文 Mime and guess 请三位同学到讲台上来做游戏,猜一猜! Mime and guess 请三位同学到讲台上来做游戏,猜一猜! Mime and guess 请三位同学到讲台上来做游戏,猜一猜! Play the game This is a kite. It's Jiamin's. This is a cat. It's Xiaoling's. This is a ball. It's Ben's. This is a bear. It's Janet's. This is a rabbit. It's Mike's. This is a dog. It's Ann's. Read and write Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq it Janet kite leg man no nose gramdpa Sound family Look at my kite. It is nice. It is in the sky. It is mine. 随堂练习 选择合适的句子补全对话 Ben: Hello, Xiaoling! What's this? Xiaoling: Hi, Ben. . Ben: . Is she your aunt? Xiaoling: No, she is not my aunt. She is my mother. Ben: There is a big toy. . Xiaoling: . Ben: And what is this? Is it a kite? Xiaoling: . It's a rabbit. D A. No, it isn't. B. Is it a toy beat? C. Who is the lady? D. It's a picture of my family. E. Yes, it is my sister's toy bear. C B E A 随堂练习 读句子,找答语 1. Good afternoon, Ms White. 2. How are you? 3. Hi, Janet. 4. Who's the pretty girl, Ben? 5. Is this your toy bear, Jiamin? 6. This is Cindy, my new friend. A. She's my sister. B. Fine. C. Yes, it is. D. Hello, Jiamin. E. Good afternoon, Xiaoling. F. Nice to meet you, Cindy. E B D A C F

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