
Unit 2 Greetings Part C 课件 (13张ppt, 内嵌音视频)

日期:2024-06-12 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:75次 大小:4673248Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 2 Greetings Part C Enjoy the music Mr. morning fine thank good girl egg boy afternoon 摘棒棒糖 goodbye fish hen Review 同学们,首先,伸出食指(老师伸出食指示范,并走下讲台和学生互动,一一用按门铃的方式按对方的手指,并说叮咚”),我们用手指画一画本单元学的字母吧! 现在拿出一支铅笔,一张四线三格纸,让我们想一想,将字母写在纸条上,大小写字母都要写哦! 然后小组长收齐之后交给老师。 检测环节 抽查前两个部分的课文背诵情况,小组长走到学生中,学生依次背诵。统计情况名单交给老师。 √ √ √ √ √ √ Homework 1.背诵前两个单元的课文。 2.默写Ee—Hh五遍。 2.完成本课时对应的练习题。 Thanks! g a song he Morning) Song 2 23 Good morn-ing. Good morn-ing. Nice to see your smil-ing face. Good morn-ing. Good morn-ing, 35 to you and to you 09 Www 3 Learn the letters Ee E an egg Ff F f1 a fish Gg G h h h Learn to write Look and say an apple an egg eggs 射餐多0舒号 a dog d cats a hen a girl girls 4. Listen and tick 00。000000。 00。。D。 00 00000 Fo RE Evaluate yourself. G I can say: Good morning 2 Good afternoon boys and girls eln 2 Ican ask and answer( How are you? this question 3 I like to sing: The Morning Song 4 I can say these in English o Ican say these in English ◎昏量知合 5 I can say these letters: F E GH h f 6 I can write these letters Ef 子 H为 I have stars

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