
Unit 4 There are many animals Lesson13 教案

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:小学教案 查看:11次 大小:38567Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课题 UNIT FOUR THERE ARE MANY ANIMALS (1) 教学目标 教学目标: 通过本节课的学习,学生能够: 1.在一定的情景中用“Are there … in this zoo?”询问动物园有什么动物,能用Yes, there are...做出肯定回答并表述动物的数量。 2.认读和运用big, small描述本课所学动物elephant, monkey, panda, giraffe并进行交流。 3.了解名词复数,初步建立复数概念。 教学重点: 1. 学生能够在一定的情景中用“Are there … in this zoo?”询问动物园有什么动物,用Yes, there are...做出肯定回答并表述动物的数量。 2.认读单词big, small, animal, elephant, monkey, panda, kangaroo, giraffe。 教学难点: 学生能够用“Are there … in this zoo?”询问动物园有什么动物,用Yes, there are...做出肯定回答并表述动物的数量。 教学过程 时间 教学环节 主要师生活动 Step 1 Leading in the Topic Step 2 Learning the New Dialogues in Lesson 13 Step 3 Practice to use the Dialogu e Step 4 Phonics Time Step 5 Summary Activity 1: Greetings T:Good morning, boys and girls. Nice to meet you! I’m your new teacher, Miss Fan. Today, we’re going to learn Unit 4 There are many animals. Are you ready for class? Let’s begin! Activity 2: Warm up 1.播放歌曲 出示森林图片并播放动物搬家歌曲,学生了解森林里有哪些动物?他们将会搬去哪里? T:Look! This is a beautiful forest. There are many animals. Today, Some of them are going to move to a new place. Let’s watch the video and see“What animals are going to move? Where are they going to move?” 学生观看动画,通过歌曲了解这些动物将会搬去哪里 导入本课话题 T:What animals are going to move? Where are they going to move? T: Today, we’re going to talk about“There are many animals in the zoo.” 动物园里有很多动物 3.介绍对话人物,创设对话语境 T:Look, this is Lingling’s house. It’s next to the zoo! Lingling likes animals. She often goes to see the animals in this zoo! Today is Saturday. Maomao comes to Lingling’s house. They go to the zoo together! 【设计意图】通过观察图片、观看小动画、听歌曲、谈论故事内容,引导学生进入本课话题的学习,初步感知本课新词zoo, monkey, elephant, tiger, giraffe, fox, lion, zebra动物词汇及其复数形式。 Activity 3:Learn the dialogues in Lesson 13 ★学习对话一 1.介绍对话情境 呈现Maomao和Lingling站在动物园门口的图片,引导学生猜测他们喜欢的动物。 T: Look! Where are they? They’re at the gate of the zoo. 2.播放对话一动画视频 教师提出问题What animals do Maomao and Lingling like? 学生观看动画视频获取信息Maomao likes big animals以及Guoguo likes small animals并理解句子意思。 3.学生细听获取Lingling信息 学生细听Lingling话语 “There are many animals in the zoo.”和 “I like small animals.”并反复跟读。 4.学生细听获取Maomao信息 T:What does Maomao like? Let’s listen. 学生听获取Maomao信息“I like big animals.” T:Yes, you’re right! Maomao likes big animals. For example:Giraffes are big animals. 5. 出示对比图进一步理解small和big意思 T: What does Lingling like? Let’s listen. 学生再听Lingling话语“I like small animals.” T:Good. Lingling likes small animals. For example:Foxes are small animals. 呈现对比图,让学生感知big和small。 ★学习对话二 1.呈现Maomao和Lingling在动物园内 ... ...

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