
Unit 2 Topic3 What can we do to protect the environment Section D 教案

日期:2024-05-13 科目:英语 类型:初中教案 查看:70次 大小:21292Byte 来源:二一课件通
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仁爱英语九年级上册Unit 2 Saving the Earth Topic 3 What can we do at home to protect the environment? Section D 教学设计 Ⅰ.Teaching aims 1.Knowledge aims: 掌握本课的重点词汇和短语,归纳并列句的用法。 2.Skill aims: 掌握常见的并列句,并能在写作或口语交际中运用。 在Project中,能够根据问卷要点整理成文。 3.Emotional aims: (optional) 增强环保意识,争做一个坚定的环保人。 4.Culture awareness: (optional) 了解世界范围内人们的环保行动。 Ⅱ. The key points and difficult points 1.Key points: Words and phrases: dry, remove, place, cut down, so that, even though Sentences: The weather may be very hot and dry or it may be very cold and wet. They carry heavy bags of small trees, and working in the mountains can be dangerous. Even though tree planting is very difficult, they love their work. Grammar: compound sentence 2. Difficult points: Forests were cut down to provide wood to build houses. There are often many insects that bite these planters on their legs, arms and faces while they work. Even though tree planting is very difficult, they love their work. Ⅲ. Learning strategies 在Grammar部分,能够和老师一起总结归纳并列句的用法,使之内化为自己的知识。 能够利用问题来预测短文的内容。 Ⅳ. Teaching aids 亚马孙热带雨林的视频、图片,亚马孙热带雨林遭到破坏的视频、图片等。 Ⅴ. Teaching procedures Step 1. Review 课前小测,巩固所学知识。 Step 1. Lead in 分享一首关于森林的诗歌。 Step 2. Pre-reading 1. 欣赏森林的美丽图片,告诉学生森林是地球之肺。 2. 出示森林被污染的图片,并让学生听VOA慢速英语(关于巴西亚马逊森林着火事件)。 3. 出示人们植树造林的图片,并设置问题,导入新课。 Step 3. While-reading 1. Fast reading:找出文章的大意及每一段的大意。 2. Careful reading. Task 1. 阅读第一段并填空。思考并完成50页的第1小题。 Task 2. 阅读第二段,思考50页第2小题,并完成思维导图。 Task 3. 阅读第三段,思考50页第3小题。 小组讨论50页第4小题。 Step 4. Post-reading Task 1. 小组活动:讨论50页第5小题。然后小组汇报。 Task 2. 小组活动:完成Project。 Step 5. Grammar & Functions 1. 复习本话题的语法:并列句,并完成相应练习。 2. 复习本话题的功能句,并完成相应练习。 3. 回答与本话题相关的一些知识。 4. 判断这些行为是否正确。 Step 6. Summary 1.小结本课知识点。 2.练习。 3.布置作业。 Ⅵ. Blackboard design Unit 2, Saving the Earth Topic 3 What can we do at home to protect the environment? Section D 1. 单词:dry, remove, replace, insect, bite, face, difficulties 2. 词组:provide sth. to do sth.; even though 3. 句子: (1)Without them, it cannot breathe. (2)They plant different types of trees so that birds and animals can live in the forests. ... ...

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