
七年级上starters 预备篇 Unit 1 Good morning ! 1a-1c课件+音视频(共27张PPT)

日期:2024-04-27 科目:英语 类型:初中素材 查看:67次 大小:25016914Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) Starter Unit1 Good morning! 1a-1c Let's review! Open your books! Close your books! Turn to page S1. Look at picture 1. Read again. /Repeat Sit well. / Sit straight. Read after me./ Follow me. Be quiet. Louder, please. Rough draft book. When is it? Where are they? Who are they? In the morning. At the school gate. Some boys and girls. We have many new friends in our class this year. They are from the U.S.A. and England. Alice Bob Cindy Dale Eric Frank Grace Helen Let’s meet some new friends. / ? / / ? / /e/ / ? / /?/ /eI/ /e/ /eI/ Dale Eric Frank boys Bob /eI/ /e/ / ? / / ? / Alice Cindy Grace Helen girls / ? / /e/ /eI/ /?/ How can we remember their names quickly? 怎样快速地记住他(她)们的名字? E e /e/ Helen Eric Frank Alice A a / ? / Dale Grace A a /eI/ 1.分男女 2.按相同发音 Boy’s name: _____ _____ Bob Dale Eric Frank 1a Write down the names in the picture. Girl’s name: _____ _____ Alice Cindy Helen Grace 注意:所有的人名第一个字母都要大写 你知道在英语中如何写你自己的名字吗? Culture Focus (文化聚焦) In the US, people are often known by a shortened name. Christina --Chris Jennifer -- Jenny , Jen Victor -- Vic, Vicky Matthew -- Matt What other English names do you know? nicknames What are they doing? They are greeting each other. How do they greet others? Listen and repeat. 1b Let’s role-play. Check your memory: Speak out their names quickly. 记忆大挑战,大声说出他(她)们的名字。 Check your memory: Speak out their names quickly. 记忆大挑战,大声说出他(她)们的名字。 Check your memory: Speak out their names quickly. 记忆大挑战,大声说出他(她)们的名字。 Check your memory: Speak out their names quickly. 记忆大挑战,大声说出他(她)们的名字。 Check your memory: Speak out their names quickly. 记忆大挑战,大声说出他(她)们的名字。 Check your memory: Speak out their names quickly. 记忆大挑战,大声说出他(她)们的名字。 Check your memory: Speak out their names quickly. 记忆大挑战,大声说出他(她)们的名字。 Check your memory: Speak out their names quickly. 记忆大挑战,大声说出他(她)们的名字。 Dale Cindy Bob Helen Grace Alice Frank Read the name quickly. Dale Eric Bob Helen Cindy Frank Alice Read the name quickly. Good morning, Helen! Hi, Bob! Good morning, Alice! Good morning, Cindy! Hello, Frank! Hello, Eric! Good morning, Dale! Practice the conversations in the picture. 1c Good morning! /'m?:ni?/ /gud/ Good afternoon! /,a:ft?'nu:n/ Good evening! /'i:vni?/ Greet your new friend in the class. Good morning,…! Good morning!/ Hi,…!/Hello, …! Homework 1.仿照1a与3名同学打招呼。

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