

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:43次 大小:41198Byte 来源:二一课件通
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2020-2021学年青海省西宁市八年级(下)期末英语试卷 一、单项选择(5小题,每小题1分,共5分) 1.(1分)I haven't read that book_____.(  ) A.yet B.already C.too D.also 2.(1分)My sister felt lonely in the new school,so I encouraged her_____more friends.(  ) A.make B.making C.to make D.makes 3.(1分)﹣ Little Jenny looks upset today. ﹣Don't worry.A box of chocolates will_____her_____.(  ) A.cut;up B.wake;up C.cheer;up D.pick;up 4.(1分)Wing Suit Flying(翼装飞行) is one of_____sports in the world.(  ) A.dangerous B.the most dangerous C.more dangerous D.danger 5.(1分)﹣ Could you please_____ your room,Alan? ﹣_____.(  ) A.cleaning;No problem B.to clean;Sure C.to clean;Of course D.clean;Certainly 二.完形填空(10小题.每小题10分,共10分) 6.(10分)Kelvin is an eight ﹣year ﹣ old boy.He started school two years ago.But he(1)    take the school bus like the other kids.His parents drive him to school each day(2)    he has a serious illness,and he needs(3)   care on the way. Somebody told Kelvin that a service dog(服务犬) could help him to take the bus.When he(4)   the news,he wanted to get one at once.However,his family didn't have that much money.So Kelvin decided to raise money by selling(5)   . Kelvin's father helped him grow vegetables in their yard.To let people know about Kelvin's story,his father wrote an(6)   online,telling people what happened to Kelvin and what he wanted to do.The story touched many people and they wanted(7)   Kelvin a hand.In just a few weeks,Kelvin's vegetables were sold out.People even began giving(8)   own vegetables to Kelvin to sell. With the help of others,Kelvin has(9)   over 21 ,000 dollars in all.Kelvin said he would use the money to buy a service dog and give the money left(10)    other children in need. (1)A.can B.can't C.do D.don't (2)A.because B.though C.so D.or (3)A.usual B.common C.special D.normal (4)A.cut out . B.heard of C.got to D.wrote down (5)A.fruits B.trees C.flowers D.vegetables (6)A.article B.sentence C.letter D.word (7)A.give B.to give C.giving D.gave (8)A.our B.your C.their D.my (9)A.lent . B.borrowed C.found D.collected (10)A.to B.for C.from D.at 三.阅读理解(15小题,每小题5分,共15分) 7.(5分) Clean ﹣Up Day Can you see lots of rubbish in the park?Come and join us.We'll clean up City Park from 8 :30 to 12:00 on Saturday.Call us at 630 ﹣ 4862. Kind Driver Kind Driver needs you.Can you drive old people to doctors,shops or banks with your own car?If you could come one day a month,please give us a call at 309﹣3022. Help Me Could you join in Help Me,an animals' home?We're looking for volunteers to help with eat care and dog walking.Please call at 892﹣3054 to join us. (1)Volunteers need to work for    to clean up City Park. A.2 hours B.2.5 hours C.3 hours D.3.5 hours (2)To volunteer for Kind Driver,you need to    . A.drive children to the park B.drive y ... ...

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