
译林版(2019)选择性必修一:Unit3 The art of painting Extended reading同步练习(含答案)

日期:2024-06-22 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:58次 大小:45568Byte 来源:二一课件通
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2021-2022学年译林版(2019)选择性必修一: Unit3 The art of painting Extended reading Ⅰ.根据语境及汉语提示写出正确的单词 1.He also favors offering really great advice and free _____(洞悉). 2.The main _____ (作物)grown for export are coffee and rice. 3.Highway 99 _____ (蜿蜒) its way along the coast. 4.She always wanted to _____ (航行)around the world. 5.It was becoming increasingly _____ (显而易见)that he could no longer look after himself. 6.The newspaper story _____ (揭露) him as a liar. 7.Because of the spread of COVID-19, there has been a _____ (减少,下降) in the number of the employed. 8.There’s a new _____ (展览) of sculpture on at the city gallery. 9.The museum is full of _____ (稀罕的)and precious treasures. 10.He’s hoping for a _____ (事业,职业)as a police officer. Ⅱ.根据提示用恰当的短语填空 1.People from _____ (各行各业) are very concerned about the prices of houses.? 2.Despite the threat of war, people _____ (忙于) their work as usual.? 3.Chris’s success _____ (由……造成)his own effort.? 4.She’s a rich woman _____ (凭她自身的资格) rather than by inheritance(继承).? 5.These experiences _____ (充分说明) the openness and kindness of the Chinese people.? 6.Their diet _____ (由……组成) vegetables because they are vegetarians.? 7.We’ve reached our goal of $50,000, _____ (多亏)the help of the public.? 8.The motor industry is still _____ (在衰退).? 9.She _____ (被看作) the cleverest of the three children by her parents.? 10.Schools should prepare students to _____ (为……做贡献) society.? Ⅲ.根据课文及汉语提示补全句子 1._____ (画在五米长的绢帛卷轴上), it offers an important insight into life in China in the 12th century.? 2.Civilians _____ also _____ (能被看到穿过城门) in both directions.? 3._____ (在绢帛上用墨), he creates realistic images of scenery, buildings and people, and displays a remarkable mastery of perspective.? 4._____ (乍一看), the overall scene of life in the capital city _____ (显得平静而愉快).? 5.Also in the painting are _____ (好像玩忽职守的士兵).? IV.课文内容填空 The Qingming Scroll, (1)_____ (paint) by Zhang Zeduan in the 12th century, is (2)_____ (common) believed to have described Bianjing (present-day Kaifeng), the capital of the Northern Song Dynasty.Currently, it (3)_____ (house)in the Palace Museum in Beijing.? The scroll (4)_____ (consist) of three main sections, which present life near and in Bianjing.It also displays a remarkable mastery of perspective.Besides, Zhang’s precise brushwork is perhaps the most (5)_____ (impress).The painting shows (6)_____ enormous amount of detail.As a result, the Qingming Scroll provides a comprehensive look at life then, (7)_____ appears peaceful and cheerful.However, some critics suggest the painting actually exposes serious political and social (8)_____ (problem) during the Northern Song Dynasty, which was (9)_____ decline by this stage. The value of the painting is down to many aspects, (10)_____ (include) its great scale, artistic quality and its representation of daily ... ...

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