

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:12次 大小:1080226Byte 来源:二一课件通
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019-2020 第二学期期末调研试题 五年级英语 (冀教版三起) 时间:60分钟满分:100分 I.读一读,找规律,补全单词并写出汉意。(10分) dr 区 ng 母 ∏.根据汉语意思提示,用单词的正确形式补全句子。(10分) down.(跑) 2.I"m r' d like some food.(饥饿的) 3. Tom often helps (我们 4. Look! She is the classroom.(跳舞) 惚 洳长母等齧一 5. Yesterday afternoon I Danny fly a kite.(看见) Ⅲ.单项选择。(10分) A. bu B. is buying )2. It,s eleven thirty in the morning. Let s have- A. breakfast B lunch )3. We can br B postcards ere is a in the ca A child. man B. men, children C woman, children 五年级英语期末(B)冀教版三起笫1页共4页 )5.- Please don t walk on the grass ure B.You’ re welcome. C I m sorry. Ⅳ.读一读,用所给单词的正确形式填空。(10分) 1.It’s wind )today 2.Don’t (sing )in the room. The baby is sleeping 3. Look! Jane is ( sit )on the chair 4. There are many ( woman on the playground 5. Jack (eat )a hamburger for breakfast yesterday 题号得分 V.看图,选单词或词组填空。(10分) 2. 8%的 to the great Wall yesterday an email Ⅷ 3. Thes hey are happy. aving c ctures childr 4. He is sending to his friend 5.Don’ t take at the Palace Museum. 公段 总分 等级 Ⅵ为下列图片选择对应的句子。(10分) ∴ 1. Yesterday i went to a shop and bought some gilts 2. I m jumping. 3. I like to play football with my friends 4. I am drawing a picture 5. I would like a hot dog. I' m hungry 五年级英语期末(B)冀教版三起第2页共4页

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