

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:51次 大小:2488627Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    2020-2021学年河北省张家口市崇礼区第一中学高一上学期期中英语试题 一、听力部分(每小题1.5分,共30分) (一)短对话 1. What did the woman drop? A. Her wallet. B. Her bag. C. Her passport. 2. What makes the coffee taste bad according to the woman? A. The old beans. B. The water. C. The dirty pot. 3. What will the speakers do on Thursday? A. Have a day off. B. Go to the museum. C. Play basketball. 4. Why does the woman want to invite her parents? A. They like skiing. B. They want to climb mountains. C. They can look after the children. 5. How does the man feel about the changing weather? A. Confused. B. Annoyed. C. Excited. (二)长对话 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。 6. Where are the speakers? A. At school. B. At a factory. C. At a music store. 7. What does the man want the students to learn in the class trip? A. How music is played .B. How concerts are organized. C. How musical instruments are made. 8. Where does Emma come from? A. America. B. Japan. C. Britain. 9. When did Emma meet Frank? A. In April. B. In July. C. In December. 10. What’s the relationship between Emma and Frank? A. Co-workers. B. A couple. C. Friends. 11. What are the speakers mainly talking about? A. The man’s eating habits. B. Their work schedule. C. The woman’s health problem. 12. What does the man think of eating at 2:00 p.m.? A. It makes him healthier. B. It makes him tired. C. It makes him unable to concentrate. 13. How many cups of tea does the man drink in the morning? A. About two. B. About four. C. About eight. 14. What is the second time the man’s alarm goes off? A. 6:00 a.m. B. 6:10 a.m. C. 6:20 a.m. 15. Why does the man like to set his alarm this way? A. He doesn’t want to feel in a rush. B. He is worried about being late. C. He wants to have more time to sleep deeply. 16. What does the woman suggest the man do about the alarm at the end? A. Set it for 7:30 a.m. B. Set it for 8:00 a.m. C. Stop using it. (三)短文 听下面一段独白,回答以下小题。 17. Who lives on the west side of the street? A. An old woman. B. A family of five. C. A brother and a sister. 18. Why do the people in the white house go to sleep early? A. They have children .B. They have early jobs. C. They have health problems. 19. When should the people at the party stop making noise? A. By 9:00 p.m. B. By 10:00 p.m. C. By 11:00 p.m. 20. What’s the plan for the party at 8:30 p.m.? A. There will be games. B. There will be food served. C. There will be a movie. 二、阅读选择(每小题2分,共40分) (第一部分) A Craziest Food Festivals sounds like a joke topic, but once you start looking into it, you’ll realize they’re everywhere — the crazier, the better. 1. Bibimbap Festival In the South Korean town of Jeonjuloves, their “mixed rice” dish is a hearty serve of rice topped with raw beef, a rainbow of vegetables, a raw egg and gochujang sauce so much. They take four days out of October to celebrate it. Like any festival there’s music, entertainment and magic, but making it that little bit differe ... ...

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