

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:小学素材 查看:90次 大小:12753742Byte 来源:二一课件通
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教育部审定 义务教育教科书 ENGLISH 三年级起点) 四年级上册 Q科学普及-出卷网- 命小学英语科普版 Contents Lesson I We can dance Lesson 2 What's on the desk?.... Lesson 3 Is this your bag? Lesson 4 Is he your brother? ……6 Lesson 5 What can you see? 2 Lesson6 Revision∴…… ……·26 Lesson 7 Is she a doctor or a nurse? 33 Lesson 8 What's the time? Lesson 9 How many horses can you see? Lesson 10 Where is my dog? Lesson II What's this in English Lesson 12 Revision Words in each lesson .. 66 Word list 69 Word families 列小学英播隆当版 Lesson i WE GAWN DANGE Let's talk Hi, my little friends! AMMMMA w Eud Hi. Miss Fish! Let's swim, OK?N Oh. we can't swim. Mh 小学奠语科普版 Can you touch your head and bend your leg? No. we can’t We can dance. too But we can dance Let's dance Great! 小学英语科普版 Let's learn Can you sing? Ing Yes. we can./No. we cant ride a bike Sw1 25Let's: sing- Can you swim? Can you swim? yes, I can Can you fly? No, I can't Can you sing? yes, i can I can sing well 学英语科普版 Let's practise Assess Eve. can you swim Yes.I can Can you dance? NoI can't Eve Listen and tick Yes Y No 3 4. Yes N Marks (o 小学英语料普版

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