
新概念英语第二册Lesson1.A private conversation课件(共13张PPT)

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:29次 大小:7029194Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) New Concept English 2 新概念英语 2 课件 Lesson1. A Private Conversation. Part1. Watch the video and think about the main idea. 观看视频并思考大意 Part2. Language points. 语言点 1. last week: 上周 (used in the past tense) last month/year/morning/evening/night Last week I went to the theatre. They watched a football game at home last night. He came to China last year. Last month my father bought a new car. 拓展 last: the last 最后的 I was the last one who came to the party. 我是最后一个来参加派对的。 She can't finish the last task. 她完不成最后的任务。 The last text in the book is very easy for us. 书中的最后一篇课文对我们来说很容易。 2. went-go had-have was-is did-do were-are got-get could-can turned-turn looked-look said-say 3. seat: 座位 sit:坐下 4. interesting: 有意思的、有趣的 interested:对..感兴趣的 -ing: 令人...的(客观环境给人的影响,用于修饰事物) -ed: 感觉....的(主观感受,自己感觉的状态,用于修饰人) 5. enjoy sth:享受某物/某事 enjoy oneself: 玩得开心/玩得高兴 6. A young man and a young woman were sitting behind me. 过去进行时描述当时的状态 7. loudly= loud+ly 大声地 副词修饰动词描述动作的状态 angrily=angry-angri+ly:生气地 rudely=rude+ly:粗鲁地 8. pay attention: 注意 They did not pay any attention. 他们没有在意。 pay attention to...:注意..... Pay attention to the traffic lights. 注意交通信号灯。 9. in the end: 最后;终于=finally/at last at the end: 在...的末端(when sth is over or finished在结束时、在尽头 ) by the end: 在...结束之前 (before sth is over or finished) to the end: 直到最后 (till the last minute) 10. bear: to endure sth/sb bear sth/sb: 忍受某事/某人 bear-bore-born 11. turn round: 扭头/转身 =turn around 12. It's none of your business. 与你无关!不关你的事! business: 事情/商务 be on business: 出差 My father is on business this week. 我爸爸这周出差。 13. private: 私人的、私密的 反义词: public:公开的、公共的 易混词: open: 开放的 quiet: 内向的 Part3. Sentences.句型 Statement:陈述句 叙述一件事情、一个事实、一个规律、一个状态等。 常用结构:主语+谓语 (s+v) I left.我离开了。 主语+谓语+宾语(s+v+o) I left him. 我离开了他。 主语+系+表语 (s+v+c) I was at home.我在家. She becomes a lawyer.她成了一名律师。 一般过去时的陈述句 肯定句:主语+过去式+宾/表+ (地点/时间) I went to the theatre. I had a very good seat. The play was very interesting. 否定句:主语+didn't+动词原形+宾语+(时间/地点) 主语+wasn't/weren't+表语。 I did not enjoy it. They did not pay any attention. I wasn't at home last night. 其它词语的位置 1. 表示时间:可在句首或句尾 (时间状语) Last week I went to the theatre. I went to the theatre last week. 2. 表示动作的频率副词:在动词前 often, usually, always, sometimes, never, rarely She often walked to school when she was twelve years old. 在她十二岁的时候,她常常走着去上学。 He never made noise in the class before. 以前他从不在班里大声喧哗。 频率词组多在动词之后或者句末 once a day/week/month/year twice a day/week/month/year three times a day/week/month/year 3. 表示动作状 ... ...

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