
(新标准三起)三年级英语下册 期中诊断性检测

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:53次 大小:14301Byte 来源:二一课件通
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三年级英语下册 期中诊断性检测 姓名: 班级: 等级: 听力部分 一、 听音选出你所听到的单词。 ( ) 1.A.car B. ship C. doll ( ) 2. A. tiger B. lion C. monkey ( ) 3.A.tall B. thin C. short ( ) 4. A. football B. swimming C. morning exercises ( ) 5. A. orange B. apple C. banana 二、听音标号。 1.( )have lunch ( )have dinner ( )have breakfast 2.( )monkey ( )lion ( )tiger ( )elephant 3.( )tall ( )fat ( )thin ( )small 4.( )swimming( )skipping ( )riding bikes ( )basketball 5.( )rice ( )noodles ( )meat ( )milk 6.( )apple ( )banana ( )orange ( )pear 7.( )go to school ( )watch TV ( )go home ( )go to bed 三、听音选择。 A. seven o’clock B. half past six C. nine o’clock D. eight o’clock E. watch TV 1. I have breakfast at _____. 2. I go to school at _____. 3. I at six o’clock. 4. I go to bed at_____. 5. I get up at . 四、听录音判断你所到的句子是对是错, 对的打√,错的打×。 1. ( ) My name is Amy. My favorite toy is a car. 2. ( ) I’m Lingling , My favorite color is red. 3. ( ) What’s this It’s a lion. 4. ( ) Look, This panda is fat. 5. ( ) Oh, I like football. 五、听音,填表格。用“√”分别在表格中标每个人所喜欢的。 noodles fish oranges pears tabletennis skipping kite Daming Amy Lingling Sam 笔试部分 一、在四线三格内正确书写26个英语字母的大、小写。 二、选择,只把序号填在题前的括号中. ( )1. What’s your_____song A. like B. favourite ( )2. My favourite _____is a kite . A. toy B. tall ( )3. What are_____ A.they B.this ( ) 4. I_____football. A.don’t like   B.doll ( ) 5. It’s _____tiger. A. are B. a ( )6. What are they A. It’s a tiger. B. They’re monkeys. ( )7. What’s this A.It’s an elephant. B. They’re lions. ( )8. 这只候子很胖。 A.This monkey is fat. B.This monkey is thin. ( ) 9. 我不喜欢做早操。 A.I like morning exercises. B.I don’t like morning exercises. ( )10.你最喜欢的玩具什么? What’s your favourite toy B. What’s your favourite song 三、从A.B.C.D中找出不同类的单词,将序号填在提前括号内。 ( ) 1. A. rice B.noodles C. meat D. doll ( ) 2.A.apple B. red C. orange D. pear ( ) 3. A. yellow B. green C. jigsaw D. blue ( ) 4.A.short B. long C. small D. tiger ( ) 5.A.am B. is C. they D. are 四、根据上句找下句,将下句序号填在题前括号中。 ( )1.What’s the time A. Yes, he does. ( )2.Does he like basketball B. No, I don’t. ( )3.Do you like apples C. It’s ten o’clock. ( )4.Is it fat D. They are lions. ( )5.What are they F. No, it isn’t. 五、阅读对话,判断下列句子正误。 Amy: Good morning, Sam. Sam: Good morning. Amy, what do you have at school Amy: I have Chinese, Maths and Science in the morning.What do you have in the morning Sam: I have Maths, English and Science in the morning. And I have Chinese in the afternoon. What’s the time, please Amy: Oh,it's half past eleven. Let's(让我们)have lunch . Sam: OK.Let’s go.(我们走吧!) 问题: ( )1.It’s twelve o’clock. ( )2.Amy has Chinese in the afternoon. ( )3.Sam has English and Sci ... ...

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