
Unit 3  Body and Feelings Again,Please! 教案

日期:2024-06-10 科目:英语 类型:小学教案 查看:42次 大小:61952Byte 来源:二一课件通
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第7课时 Again,Please! 1.复习下列重点单词: arm,body,ear,foot,hand,eye,finger,head,knee,leg,mouth,nose,toe,shoulder,stomach,left,right,doctor 2.复习下列表示感觉的单词: cold,hot,warm,cool,happy,sad,tired 3.复习下列重点句型结构: How do you feel? I feel… Are you okay?Yes/No. What's the matter? My head hurts. 4.学会与人合作并关心他人,使学生参与其中、乐于学习。 重点 能读、写、说、区分单词并能在句型中准确理解和运用。 难点 能在具体的情景中合理准确地运用这些词汇及句式进行交际。 单词卡片、录音机。 Step 1 Warm?up and reviewing 1.Greeting. How are you?Are you okay today?How do you feel?Are you happy/sad/cold/hot? 2.Sing the song:“Head,Shoulders,Knees,Toes”. 3.Play a game:“Simon says…”.(In order to practice the words about the body in this unit.) Step 2 Presentation 1.Listening and talking. 先听对话,然后小组讨论其中出现的重点句型: How do you feel? Are you okay? No,I hurt my head. Let's see a doctor. What's the matter? My head hurts. 小组内互相对话操练,然后分角色表演给全班同学看。 2.Listening and colouring. 听录音,填涂正确的颜色,然后让学生大声读出来。 3.Reading and matching. 让学生先看图和句子,然后小组讨论连线。 4.Play a game:“I say it,you do it.” 全班划分为几个小组,每次从不同的小组中任意选择两名学生,让他们互相说出指令并正确表演,采取积分制。如: S1:Close your left eye. S2做出相应的动作。 S2:You feel happy. S1做出相应的表情或动作。 5.Play a game:“I say it,you point it.” 采取击鼓传花的方式来完成这个游戏。全班学生边拍手边按顺序传递一朵小红花,教师背对学生,一段时间后说“停”,手拿小红花的学生听教师的指令做出相应的动作。如: T:Touch your head. S:摸摸头。 T:Shake your legs. S:摇摇腿。 T:Clap your hands. S:拍拍手。 … 6.Looking and matching. 先让学生大声齐读关于身体部位的单词,然后把相应的序号填在课本第48页的图中。 Step 3 Class closing 1.检查理解情况。 2.布置作业:依照课本的对话形式,与伙伴讨论编写自己的对话。 3.与父母做“I say it,you point it.”的游戏。 Unit 3 Feelings and Body Again,Please! arm,body,ear,foot,hand,eye,finger,head,knee,leg,mouth,nose,toe,shoulder,stomach,left,right,cold,hot,warm,cool,happy,sad,tired How do you feel? I feel… Are you okay?Yes/No. What's the matter? My head hurts.

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