
Unit2 Lesson11 课件(20张PPT)

日期:2024-04-27 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:69次 大小:9895424Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 2 clothes Lesson 11 Xx Vv Zz Yy Let's review Can I have some apple juice? Yes,you can. 大头儿子 让我们去看看大头儿子的衣柜里都有哪些衣服? What color are the trousers? They're _____ _____. 还有哪些衣服呢? What other clothes does he have? shirt Shirt, shirt. Wear your shirt. ___shirt. blue green pink white It's a 还有哪些衣服呢? What other clothes does he have? T-shirt shirt T-shirt T-shirt, T-shirt. Wear your T-shirt. It' s a ___T-shirt. yellow orange blue red 今天是周六,大头儿子和爸爸 打算去足球场踢足球。 football (足球) No,you can't. Wear your_____. Father,can I wear my _____ today? shirt T-shirt 大头儿子正准备换衣服。 No,you can't. Wear your_____. Father,can I wear my _____ today? 大头儿子正准备换衣服。 踢完球后。他们又累又渴,于是他们来到商店。 Father, can I have some apple juice? No, you can't. Have some orange juice. Pair work. Father, can I ___? No, you can't. You can___. blue pink Sharp eyes. 火眼金睛 Dear father ,dear father, Can I wear my new shirt today? No,you can't. No,you can't. You should wear your T-shirt today. Let's sing!

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