
牛津上海版英语七年级上册 unit 11 my food project 教案

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:初中教案 查看:15次 大小:20322Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit 11 My food project 教案 1教学目标 Language focus The students can recall some words and sentences they learnt before. such as: ①why do you like../I like…because… /I like…best /my favorite food is …/ ②tasty/delicious/sour/bitter/too salty/too spicy Fruit: apple pear banana pineapple orange grape watermelon strawberry Vegetable: tomato cucumber bean potato carrot cabbage chilli garlic Meat and fish: beef pork chicken wings fish(frozen fish / fresh fish) Main food: dumplings rice noodles bread cake Drinks: soya milk yogurt orange juice water milk The students can learn some new words and sentences. Such as: Frozen fish/ noodles/ yogurt/what food are we going to talk about? Ability focus The students can improve their listening skill, how to get some key words in a dialogue. The students can get some speaking skills, how to express their own ideas about food or drinks; how to listen to others’ ideas about food or drinks. Emotional focus Through the lesson, the students can learn how to express their own ideas and how to share each other’s ideas. 2重点难点 Difficult points How to use the words or sentences freely. 3教学过程 活动1【导入】My food project Teaching Procedure procedure Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Target Pre-task activities Give the Ss a picture of birthday cake Ask questions: What kind of party is this? What can we do at the birthday party? Look at the picture and answer the questions. Try to arouse the Ss’ interests. 活动2【讲授】my food project While—task activities Raise questions: If this is your birthday party, what kind of food would you like to prepare for your friends? Answer: fruit/vegetable/ Meat and fish/main food/drinks. To let them recall some words Teach new words: frozen fish, noodles, yogurt. Learn the new words. To help the Ss to understand the new words. Give the Ss a piece of listening (the new text), then ask the Ss to fill in the blanks. Listen to it and fill in the blanks. To help the Ss improve listening skill. Ask the Ss to read the dialogue Read the dialogue To train their basic reading skill post—task activities Show Ss three model dialogues Dialogue 1 A: What food are you going to talk about? B: My favorite food is…/ I like…best. I think I’m going to talk about… C:I know …likes… Dialogue 2 A: What food are you going to talk about? B: My favorite food is…/ I like…best. I think I’m going to talk about…(if you want to ask the reason, what should you say?) A: Why do you like…best? B:I like…best because… (bitter/hot/sweet/sour/tasty/ delicious//salty/spicy) Dialogue 3 A: What food are you going to talk about? B: My favorite food is…/ I like…best. I think I’m going to talk about… A: Why do you like…best? B:I like…best because…(we have known B’s favorite, what about A’s) What’s your favorite food? A: I’d rather have… ( I’d like to have.../ I prefer to have …) Practice the three dialogues Dialogue1 To let the Ss grasp the basic sentence, to let the Ss learn h ... ...

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