
牛津译林版(2019)必修第一册Unit1 Food matters Back to school Extended reading 课件(2份视频含素材+83张ppt)

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:高中素材 查看:68次 大小:126450344Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) School life in the UK … … … … Title prediction ? … … … … Title prediction ? What aspects might be included in the article? 01 02 03 04 01 02 03 04 01 02 03 04 01 02 03 04 01 02 03 04 A narration is a story or account of events. An exposition is a detailed explanation of an idea or a theory. An argumentation is a discussion in which you make a point   and then provide persuasive and logical evidence to back it up. stu stu stu A narration is a story or account of events. An exposition is a detailed explanation of an idea or a theory. An argumentation is a discussion in which you make a point   and then provide persuasive and logical evidence to back it up. stu stu stu A narration is a story or account of events. An exposition is a detailed explanation of an idea or a theory. An argumentation is a discussion in which you make a point   and then provide persuasive and logical evidence to back it up. stu stu stu Global reading School life in the UK School life in the UK What Who When Where School life in the UK What Who When Where John Li, a former exchange student School life in the UK What Who When Where John Li, a former exchange student a British secondary school School life in the UK What Who When Where John Li, a former exchange student a British secondary school a year ago School life in the UK What Beginning Body Ending Part 1 _____ _____ to the school life in the UK Part 2 _____ Different _____ of the school life in the UK Part 3 _____ _____ Beginning Body Ending Part 1 _____ _____ to the school life in the UK Part 2 _____ Different _____ of the school life in the UK Part 3 _____ _____ Beginning Body Ending Para. 1 Part 1 _____ _____ to the school life in the UK Part 2 _____ Different _____ of the school life in the UK Part 3 _____ _____ Introduction Beginning Body Ending Para. 1 Part 1 _____ _____ to the school life in the UK Part 2 _____ Different _____ of the school life in the UK Part 3 _____ _____ Introduction Beginning Body Ending Para. 1 Paras. 2–6 Part 1 _____ _____ to the school life in the UK Part 2 _____ Different _____ of the school life in the UK Part 3 _____ _____ Introduction aspects Beginning Body Ending Para. 1 Paras. 2–6 Part 1 _____ _____ to the school life in the UK Part 2 _____ Different _____ of the school life in the UK Part 3 _____ _____ Introduction aspects Beginning Body Ending Para. 1 Para. 7 Paras. 2–6 Part 1 _____ _____ to the school life in the UK Part 2 _____ Different _____ of the school life in the UK Part 3 _____ _____ Introduction Conclusion aspects Beginning Body Ending Para. 1 Para. 7 Paras. 2–6 Aspects included in the article Aspects included in the article Timetable Aspects included in the article Timetable Subjects Aspects included in the article Timetable Subjects Classes Aspects included in the article Timetable Subjects Classes Homework Aspects included in the article Timetable Subjects Classes Homework School lunch Aspec ... ...

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