
Unit 4 I like music that I can dance to.单元练习(含解析)

日期:2024-06-03 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:82次 大小:36846Byte 来源:二一课件通
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2020-2021学年鲁教版(五四制)英语九年级全册 Unit 4 I like music that I can dance to.单元练习 一、单项选择(下列题目的四个选项中只有一个是符合题意的。) 1.The fruit salad is too_____. Let’s add more honey or sugar into it. A.crispy B.sweet C.salty D.sour 2.-May I take this magazine out of reading room? -No, you_____. That’s against the rule. A.mightn’t B.won’t C.needn’t D.mustn’t 3.Can you do your work with _____ money and _____ people? A.less; few B.less; fewer C.little; less D.few; less 4.— Thank you for sharing your ruler with me. —_____ That’s what friends are for. A.Don’t mention it. B.It doesn’t matter. C.Never mind. D.All right. 5.This pair of gloves _____wool and _____hand. A.are made from;it’s made by B.is made from;they’re made by C.are made of;they’re made with D.is made of;it’s made with 6.We _____wait until the traffic light turns green when we cross the road. A.must B.can C.need D.may 7.—Is Taylor Swift one of the most popular country music singers? —I _____so. She has won so many awards and her concerts are the most popular. A.hope B.doubt C.suppose 8.-It's important for us to know _____ all the subjects. -Yeah, group work is my favorite. A.how to study B.when to study C.which to study D.what to study 9.This kind of music makes me excited. A.feeling B.to feel C.feel D.felt 10.– Which of the e-mails _____ you have ever got is the greatest? – I really can’t decide. _____ of them are very wonderful. A.that; All B.who; Both C.which; None D.what; Neither 11.China's hot words, like Duang, tuhao, dama, are of the times. They have become known abroad. A.contributions B.examples C.products D.Achievements 12...﹣Sally is my best friend.She is always there whenever I’m _____. ﹣Yeah.A friend in need is a friend indeed. A.in order B.in trouble C.in public 13.(2016福建福州中考)﹣Why are you late for school today? ﹣I’m sorry.I didn’t catch the early bus and I had to _____ the next one. A.wait for B.ask for C.care for 14.(2012?镇江市) --Which of the two subjects do you like, PE or music? 一 .They are really interesting. A.Neither B.Both C.None D.All 15.The National Sports Meeting will be covered _____tomorrow evening. A.life B.alive C.living D.live 二、完型填空 Some inventions are very important.For example,the telephone allows people to communicate all over the world.The 16 lets people travel long distances in a short time.Life is much easier with these 17 inventions. Some inventions are just fun.A company in a foreign country has invented 18 flowers.You can listen to music that comes through real flowers.Customers in restaurants can smell the beautiful roses 19 listen to pleasant music while eating.People in the dentist’s office can look at pretty lilies and listen to Mozart while having their 20 examined! There is now a vehicle that gets you around with almost no effort 21 .In fact,you drive this invention while standing on it.This ve ... ...

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