
Module 1 Wonders of the world Unit2 The Grand Canyon was not just big. 学案(无答案)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:初中学案 查看:10次 大小:79360Byte 来源:二一课件通
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九年级上册英语教学案———M1U2 ?????? ???? ??教学案编号:2 话题 Nature and travel 课题 Module 1 Wonders of the world Unit2 The Grand Canyon was not just big. 课型 读写课 主??备人 刘飞 审??核 陈洪 课时 1.5课时 教材分析 This unit aims to review the learnt tenses so far and help students to be able to present some important and creative ideas about writing a passage of a wonder . 学情分析 The students are in their third year in the junior school ,a year later most of them will go to the high school ,their English level is very different .so in the class we should treat them differently and give them different homework to make all of them make a progress. 语言知识目标 功能 Describing places and experiences 语法 Comparison of present simple past simple ,future simple ,present perfect ,present continuous ,past continuous 词汇 Shine shone sign silent silver sky grey go through beside reply clear fall away stream nearly On top of canyon remain by 语音 Learn where to pause in the sentences 语言技能目标 听 Listening for specific information and identifying photos 说 Expressing views and opinions 读 Reading and finding the specific information 写 Describing a wonder of the world. 学习策略 自学策略 Preview the words 合作学习策略 Group work 文化意识 Help the students to feel the beauty and greatness of the nature and enable them to love and respect the nature and live in harmony with nature . 情感态度 TO help the students en large their vision on wonders of the world and help to know more about writing s passage about wonders 重点难点 Use of vocabulary and key phrases and comprehension of the textThe passage about the wonders 导学过程 【复习检测】Check the words that the ss have previewedIt was 4 o’clock in the morning ,the world was so _____ that you can even hear the beat of your heart The sky was g_____ and there was some fog but there’s no s_____of raining .About an hour later the fog began to _____ and the sun rose in the east ,it s_____the world .Now everything was bright,i started my car and went through the city went to the canyon area. After I got there I stopped my car beside a small road .I walked up to the top of the canyon and found there was a s_____ stream at the bottom of the canyon, the ground below me fell away in to the stream.It is so deep ,nealy1600 meters,I remained there by a big rock ,looking to the left and right ,it was so long that i couldn’t see the end. I shouted with the excitement and joy, the only reply is my echo .What a wonder! 【读前导入】 Read for information激发兴趣,背景铺垫We all know wonders ,what wonders do you know? Ss:.........There’re two kinds of wonders :natural wonders,such as .... and man-made wonders such as.... (show the pictures /videos of the wonders )Yes ,there are so many wonders in the world and do you know the Seven Natural Wonders of the World?They are the Grand Canyon, Victoria Falls, Mount Everest, Mammoth Cave in Kentucky, Glacier Bay in Alaska, Lake Baikal, Yellowstone National Park. Today I’ll ... ...

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