
Unit 3 Let's Go! Lesson 17 I'm Lost! 教案

日期:2024-06-01 科目:英语 类型:小学教案 查看:78次 大小:63488Byte 来源:二一课件通
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第5课时 Lesson 17 I'm Lost! 1.掌握本课的新词汇:light,red,yellow,green。 2.掌握句型: Excuse me,I'm lost. Where is the Happy Restaurant? Well,it's far from here. You can go there by bus. Where is the bus stop? Go straight and turn right at the traffic lights. The bus stop is there. 3.能够了解基本的交通规则,即红灯、黄灯、绿灯的功能;并能听懂英语指令做出相应的动作。 重点 掌握本课单词及句型并能够运用。 难点 根据所学内容,进行对话编排或片段描述。 词汇卡片、录音机、教学磁带 Step 1 Warm?up T:Hello,nice to meet you! Ss:Nice to meet you,too! T:What's the weather like today? Ss:It's sunny! Step 2 Review 教师拿出画有各种交通工具的大图片,复习单词bike,bus,car和taxi。 出示地图复习单词near和far,让学生做出如以下指令: Point to a city near/far from… 学生边指边说句子:…is near/far from… Step 3 Presentation 1.教师指着教室里的日光灯说: I like the lights because I can see things clearly at night.Can we see lights in different colours in our city?Yes!traffic light,traffic lights… 2.教师边画简笔画,边说: We have red,yellow,and green lights.We call them traffic lights. 教师板书traffic,lights,然后问学生: What do they mean,do you know? 学生可能会用汉语回答 ,教师点头表示肯定,再请学生回答:When do we stop/wait/go? 引导学生回答:We stop at a red light… 3.教师出示自制红绿灯,看见绿灯,教师一边向前走一边说: It is a green light.Go?go?go!Green is go. 看见黄灯,停住不动但摆动双臂示意要走: It is a yellow light.Wait?wait?wait!I can go in a moment.Yellow is wait. 看见红灯,停止一切动作并说: The light is red.Stop?stop?stop!Red is stop. 4.Let's play. 教师说,学生做相应动作。最后教师小结: Stop at a red light.Wait at a yellow light.Go at a green light.Red light,yellow light,green light.These are traffic lights. 教师再指着以上三句话总结说: These are traffic rules. 5.Where is the restaurant? (1)学生上台与教师做角色扮演,教师扮作一位来中国的外国游客,在大街上迷了路,正在查看地图,一名学生经过他身旁: T:Excuse me.I'm lost.Where is…?(说出一条学生都熟悉的大街的名字。) 学生根据自己的能力尽量说出指路的句子,对于有困难的学生,也可用前面学过的“I can show you.”来回答。 (2)听课文第二部分的录音“Where is the restaurant?”,跟读录音。训练学生的发音、语调和语感。 (3)学生齐读几遍。 (4)学生在小组内读课文,看看读懂了什么?有什么不懂的地方。学生也可指出生疏的单词或句子交流。 (5)汇报交流。 分角色表演。 一名学生饰the woman,一名学生饰the man,准备好后上台表演对话。 Step 4 Practice 1.单词练习:涂涂画画练单词。 让学生用彩笔画出自己喜欢的交通工具,并向同学介绍是什么颜色的。看谁画得最多,说得最好。 如:My bus is red. 2.对话练习。 教师出示该地区的交通图,让学生看着交通图自由编写对话。 【范例】 (1)S1:Where is the restaurant? S2:Well,it's far from here.You can go there by bus. (2)S1:Where is the hospital? S2:Go straight and turn right at the traffic lights.The hospital is there. Step 5 Consolidation and extension 1.和小伙伴用所学的单词和句型编写一组小对话。 2.做同步练习。 Unit 3 Let's Go! Lesson 17 I'm Lost! Where is the Happy restaurant? ... ...

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