

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:80次 大小:60920Byte 来源:二一课件通
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2019-2020学年山西省晋中市灵石县七年级(上)月考英语试卷(10月份) 一. 单项选择(每小题1分,共15分)请你从每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出一个最佳选项。 1.(1分)下列字母中不是元音字母的是_____。 (  ) A.a B.e C.f 2.(1分)下列大写字母是由两笔写成的是_____。 (  ) A.K B.H C.N 3.(1分)在四线三格中,占格相同的一组字母是_____。 (  ) A.o r B.y j C.g l 4.(1分)含有相同元音音素的选项是_____。(  ) A.K,S B.W,X C.E,D 5.(1分)在下列划线字母在单词中发音不同的一项是_____。 (  ) A.like B.milk C.think 6.(1分)下列缩写形式错误的是_____。 (  ) A.amn't B.isn't C.aren't 7.(1分)This is_____ cup.That is _____ orange. (  ) A.a,a B.a,an C.an,a 8.(1分)_____ is my friend._____ name is Tom.(  ) A.She; Her B.He; His C.His; He 9.(1分)﹣Hi,I _____Tony._____you Helen? ﹣Yes. (  ) A.am,Is B.is,Is C.am,Are 10.(1分)﹣What's your phone number? ﹣_____ 278﹣5621. (  ) A.That is B.It is C.He is 11.(1分)﹣Is she Gina? ﹣_____.Her name is Grace. (  ) A.Yes,she is B.No,it isn't C.No,she isn't 12.(1分)﹣What's this in English? ﹣_____. (  ) A.It's a ruler B.It's three C.It's red 13.(1分)﹣_____ ﹣ Q﹣U﹣I﹣L﹣T. (  ) A.What's this? B.How are you? C.How do you spell "quilt"? 14.(1分)﹣_____ is the pen?﹣It's blue.(  ) A.What B.How C.What color D.What's 15.(1分)﹣_____,Eric! ﹣ Good afternoon,Alice! (  ) A.Good morning B.Good afternoon C.Good evening 二.补全对话(共 5分)根据对话内容,从方框内所给的选项中选出最佳选项,将其答案的序号写在方框下面的横线上,选项中有两项为多余项。 16.(5分)A:Hi,I am Alice! B:Nice to meet you,Alice! (1)    A:Nice to meet you,too. B:(2)    A:I'm fine,thanks.Look!(3)    B:It's a map. A:(4)    B:M﹣A﹣P. A:(5)    B:Yes,it is. A.What's this? B.Is it your map? C.How are you? D.Are you Jenny? E.Spell it please. F.I'm Jenny. G.What's your name? 三.完型填空(每小题10分,共10分)阅读下面短文,然后从每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出一个最佳选项。 17.(10分)Hello!My(1)   is Mike Smith.Smith is my(2)   name.And(3)   is my first name.I'm(4)   English boy.I'm(5)   Class Four,Grade Seven.My telephone number is 232﹣4672.I have a good(6)   .He is(7)   China.(8)   name is Li Mingwei.He is in Grade(9)   ,too.But he is in Class Six.His phone number(10)   571﹣8901. (1)A.name B.key C.phone (2)A.first B.last C.English (3)A.Mike B.Smith C.Jack (4)A.a B.an C.the (5)A.of B.at C.in (6)A.school B.friend C.number (7)A.from B.on C.for (8)A.His B.Her C.Your (9)A.Four B.Six C.Seven (10)A.am B.is C.are 四.阅读理解。(每小题 2 分,共 10 分) 18.(10分)Peter and I are good friends.Peter is an English boy.I am a Chinese girl.He is 13.I am 12.We are in Beijing now.We are in a very good school.Look!This is his jacket.It's blue.And this is my watch.It's very nice.That isn't my book.It's green.It's Mrs.Brown's.She is my Eng ... ...

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