
2022届高考英语二轮复习:外刊阅读语法填空September 21(含答案)

日期:2024-06-05 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:46次 大小:1013953Byte 来源:二一课件通
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高中英语外刊阅读语法填空September 21 1 疯狂梦想终于成真:被包裹的巴黎凯旋门 The Arc de Triomphe is wrapped in fabric, a vision six decades in the making 如果你现在去巴黎,你会发现凯旋门变了,它穿上了一件闪闪发光的银蓝色“外套”,还系上了“红腰绳”。这是已故艺术家克里斯托和珍妮-克劳德的设计,他们60年前的疯狂梦想终于变成了现实。 ? After three months of 1_____(construct) work at Paris' famed Arc de Triomphe, the 160-foot-tall war monument has been 2_____(complete) concealed. The landmark, 3_____(build) during Napoleon's reign, has been outfitted in 270,000 square feet of silver-blue polypropylene fabric(聚丙烯布料) bound with red ropes. Encasing the Arc de Triomphe in cloth was a longstanding vision of the late artists Christo and Jeanne-Claude -- one that finally came into focus this summer. It began with 400 tons of steel beams erected like a metal jacket around the structure, followed by the wrapping, 4_____ was conducted by a team of climbers over the course of a few days. Vladimir Yavachev, Christo's nephew and the project's director of operations who worked with the artist for 30 years, explained that the shimmering color of the fabric and vivid ropes are Christo's "poetic 5_____(interpret)" of the blue, white and red of the French flag. "He liked colors that also change with the weather, or the time of day," Yavachev said in a video interview, 6_____(add): "The fabric is very reminiscent(怀旧的) of Paris rooftops... which are very silvery gray." "I am 7_____ artist who is totally irrational (没有理性的), totally irresponsible, completely free," Christo said. "Nobody needs my projects," he added. "The world can live without these projects. But I need them and my friends (do)." Anne Burghartz, an engineer on the project, said her team's first task was to interpret the final form that Christo wanted. " They also had to determine how 8_____(keep) the wind from dragging the fabric, while keeping it pliable(柔韧的) to the elements. "(Christo) was also very fond ofhow he imagined the fabric would come alive with the wind," she said. ? But, most 9_____(important), Burghartz's team had to protect the monument and all of 10_____(it) ornamentation(装饰), from the sculpted figures flanking each side of the entrance to the intricate (错综复杂的)cornices(檐口). Though the engineers had permission to drill some holes in the landmark they had to minimize damage. 2大脑如何让我们逃避人终有一死的真相 How Our Brains Shield Us from Mortal Truth ? That’s because, researchers say, our brains do their best 1_____( keep) us from dwelling (停留)on our inevitable(不可避免的) demise(死亡). A study found that the brain shields us from existential fear by categorizing(归类) death as 2_____ unfortunate event that only befalls (降临)other people. “The brain does not accept that death is related to us,” said Yair Dor-Ziderman, at Bar Ilan University in Israel. “We have this primal mechanism(原始机制) that means when the brain gets information that links sel ... ...

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