
2022届高考英语二轮复习:外刊阅读语法填空September 20

日期:2024-06-05 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:94次 大小:314266Byte 来源:二一课件通
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高中英语外刊阅读语法填空September 20 1 拒绝内卷、加班、职场霸凌:怎样学会说“不” The power of no: how to build strong, healthy boundaries 说“不”的力量:如何建立强有力又健康的个人界限 No. A tiny, yet mighty word. To hear it can make us feel childlike; sheepish (羞怯的) or 1_____trouble. How does it make you feel to say "no"? "We live in a society that does not glorify(赞美) choosing yourself. It is not honoured," says relationship therapist Nedra Tawwab. "We are 2_____(constant) living in others' headspace and not our own heart space. We're thinking about whether they'll be angry, or whether 3_____(set) a boundary will even end the relationship." It is normal to care, "but when your life 4_____( impact) by not having healthy boundaries for yourself, we need to pay attention", says Tawwab. When there are hierarchies(等级制度) of power — such as in the workplace — saying no can feel particularly difficult. But as the borders between work and the rest of our lives have become increasingly blurred(模糊), it is even more vital. "Research tells us that people 5_____proactively(主动) state their boundaries, such as leaving or stopping work on time, taking leave or prioritizing(优先考虑) non-work-related activities, are much 6_____(good) at managing their mental health," says Dr Jo Yarker, an occupational psychologist(职业心理学家). Do we misuse the word selfish when people are clear about their needs? "I think we do, yes," says Tawwab, "We need to think about what is actually being harmed when we use that word. If I am taking a day off work, that's not 7_____ same as stealing someone's credit." The key is practising 8_____(say) "no" or "enough" in conversations like we are learning a new skill. "We can start with little boundaries like: 'I will call you back,' if we aren't ready 9_____(speak) to someone at that time. With practice, confidence 10_____(do) build. It can become easy," Tawwab adds. 2 说话≠沟通:如何让“针锋相对的谈话”变得有“温度”? How to say the unsayable: ways to approach a sensitive, daunting conversation “难以开口的话”如何说出口:对于处理令人却步的敏感谈话,这里有一些方法 There's a conversation you're avoiding. It feels important, the stakes(股份) are high and you are putting 1_____ off. But delaying doesn't solve anything. Getting started might involve some awkward moments, but, after that, the situation is open for discussion and exploration. Tried and 2_____(test) approaches can help to smooth the way. Here are some 3_____(use) tips from my experience as a psychotherapist and doctor. 1 Listen to understand Instead of 4_____(work) out what to say next while the other person is speaking, just listen. Check your understanding by repeating what you heard with empathy(同理心), starting with something like: "Have I got this right? You feel …" Repeating their viewpoint back also helps the other person to feel heard and 5_____(respect). In conversations about 6_____(disagree), try to present the most positive aspects of the othe ... ...

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