
Unit 4 What's the best movie theater? Section B (2a-2e) Who's Got Talent? 课件(共24张PPT)+教案+学案+音频

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:初中素材 查看:100次 大小:29620261Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    Unit 4 What's the best movie theater? Section B(2a-2e)教学设计 夹浦中学初二备课组 Teaching aims 理解并掌握下列词汇及短语:New words: talent,common,magician,beautifully,role,winner,prize,everybody,example,poor,seriouslyKey phrases: talent show,have...in common,look for,and so on,all kinds of,be up to,play a role,make up,take...seriously,for example, such as , come true理解并掌握下列重点句型:1)It's always interesting to watch other people show their talents.2)Talent shows are getting more and more popular.3)When people watch the show,they usually play a role in deciding the winner.4)But if you don't take these shows too seriously,they are fun to watch.3. 能用形容词和副词的最高级形式来描述人或物的特殊。4. 了解一些选秀节目的实质及目的,正确对待生活中的一些歌星及影星,不要盲目地追风、做追星族。 Key points 读懂短文,并能理解作者的情感及观点。正确运用形容词或副词的各种形式描述人或物。 Ability 1) Learn to discuss preferences and make comparisons. Teaching procedure:Step 1 Brainstorm 1.Do you know any other talent shows? Who can join the talent shows?2. Finish 2a。Step2 reading 1 .Pre-reading What does the title mean? What is the passage about?2. Fast readingWhich three talent shows are mentioned?SkimmingUnderline the topic sentence of each paragraph. Step3 Careful readingread para.1 and Finish the “true or false”.Read para.2 and Complete the mind map. Read para.3 and finish the chart.Step4 After reading Finish 2c. Answer the questions.2. Phrases summary 3. 2d:Underline all the superlatives in the passage. Then write sentences using at least four of them.4. 2e:Who’s got talent in your class? Add more talents and write a classmate’s name for each talent. Find out how many students in your group agree with you.Step5 Homework1.熟读阅读文章,理解其中蕴含的语法知识点。2.使用最高级写下关于班级里同学的一些事情。3.完成作业本的相关课时。 反思(课件网) 人教新目标版 八年级上册英语 Unit4 What's the best movie theater? SectionB(2a-2e) Who's Got Talent?阅读 中国达人秀(China's Got Talent)是上海东方卫视播出的才艺选秀比赛节目。主办方致力于为身怀绝技的普通人提供展示才能的舞台,实现自己的梦想。此节目是国内购买海外版权制作的众多电视节目中极为成功的案例,自2010年第一届首播以来已连续数届创中国电视综艺节目收视率新高。 China's Got Talent Brainstorm: Do you know any other talent shows? Who can join the talent shows? All kinds of people can join these shows. If you are truly talented, you can join talent shows. the most interesting the most exciting the funniest the most talented the best … I think…is the most talented person. He/She can… What can he / she do? basketball player dancer singer writer magician swimmer … Finish 2a. 2.What is the passage about? Two talented girls B. Talent shows. C. The most talented person 1.What does the title mean? Who’s Got Talents? 谁是达人? 此句中who’s为who has的缩写。have got表示“具有;具备”之意,相当于have。此句字面上的意思是“谁有才华?” Pre-reading ... ...

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