
北师大版(2019)选择性必修一专练:Unit3 Conservation Topic Talk(含答案)

日期:2024-06-16 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:76次 大小:42496Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit 4 Conservation 3.1 Topic Talk I.短语翻译 1._____     破坏大自然 2. _____ 塑料废品 3._____ 对我们星球最大的威胁 4. _____ 砍伐森林 5. _____ 起某种作用 6. _____ 尽自己的职责 7. _____ 非法打猎 8. _____ 灭绝的物种 9. _____ 不可回收物品 10. _____ 紧急的形势 Ⅱ. 根据情境和提示完成对话。 高二学生Adam正在学校电台接受采访, 本期主题是对环境保护的了解和看法。 Interviewer: Hello and welcome to School Talk. Today we’d like to talk about conservation. We are glad to invite Adam again to express his opinions on how to protect the environment. Adam: Hi, everybody. I’m honored to be here. 1. _____(我认为破坏大自然是对我们星球最大的威胁). ? Interviewer: I totally agree with what you say. 2. _____(如果我们想要一个更好的居住环境, 我们就要尽职尽责去保护它). ? Adam: Yes, I think so. And I think 3. _____ (我们每个人都应该发挥作用改变当前严峻的形势). ? Interviewer: That sounds great. 4. _____ (你认为我们应该怎么做呢)? ? Adam: 5. _____ (我们需要减少塑料垃圾, 禁止砍伐森林和非法捕猎等). ? Interviewer: Yes. Our planet is in danger. Species are dying out. It is our duty to protect the environment. Thank you for coming to speak to us, Adam. Good luck. III. 根据所给汉语或首字母提示完成句子 1. They are optimistic about the c_____ in mountainous areas. 2. He always forgets to s_____ off the lights before leaving the office. 3. The e_____ animal bones on show attract many children. 4. I had to get back for an u_____ meeting. 5. She picked out the u_____ waste and put it aside. 6. We all consider the lecture an _____ (有教育意义的)one. 7. It’s important to _____ (回收利用) household waste. 8. _____ (塑料制的) bags don’t recycle cost-effectively. 9. Frogs eat pests which _____ (破坏)crops and carry diseases. 10. Each student makes only one _____ (一件) themselves. IV. 完成句子 1. Air pollution _____ (对这个城市是一个很大的威胁). ? 2. The school encourages students to _____ (重复使用以前用过的物品). ? 3. As students, _____ (我们应该做的) is to study heart and soul. ? 4. To protect our planet, we first should know _____ (应该保护什么). ? 5. A headteacher _____ (起重要作用)to get students inspired. ? 6. My mother _____ (敦促我完成作业)attentively. ? 7. Each player should _____ (尽自己的职责)in the match. ? 8. He asked to _____ (让他随时了解)the latest development. ? 9. _____ (非法猎捕野生动物)will be punished severely. ? 10. _____ (我明白)to protect the environment is to protect us human beings. ? 参考答案 I.1. destroy nature     破坏大自然 2. plastic waste 塑料废品 3. the biggest threat to our planet 对我们星球最大的威胁 4. cut down forests 砍伐森林 5. have a role 起某种作用 6. do one’s part 尽自己的职责 7. illegal hunting 非法打猎 8. extinct species 灭绝的物种 9. unrecyclable items 不可回收物品 10. urgent situations 紧急的形势 Ⅱ. Interviewer: Hello and welcome to School Talk. Today we’d like to talk about conservation. We are glad to invite Adam again to express his opinions on how to protect the environment. Adam: Hi, everybody. I’m honored to be here. 1. I thin ... ...

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