
Unit 7 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes.同步练习(含解析)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:98次 大小:36084Byte 来源:二一课件通
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2021-2022学年人教新目标英语九年级全册 Unit 7 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes.同步练习 一、单项选择(下列题目的四个选项中只有一个是符合题意的。) 1.—Everyone should have dreams. With dreams and hard work, anything can _____. —So it is. A.create B.be creating C.be created 2.—May I borrow your pen? —_____. A.OK, that’s right B.Sure, here you are C.Yes, thank you 3.— The doctors and nurses returned to the hotel late into the night. — Yes. They spoke quietly for _____ of waking the gatekeeper. A.fear B.regret C.decision 4.— May I have a look at the newspaper China Daily? — Certainly. _____ A.Thank you. B.It’s a pity. C.Here you are. D.I’d like to. 5.—Would you like some tea? —_____. A.Yes, please B.My pleasure C.Help yourself D.The same to you 6.— The radio says it will be sunny tomorrow. — _____ . We’ll have a picnic tomorrow. A.I think so B.I hope not C.I’m afraid so D.I hope so 7.The computer engineer worked very hard and was able to solve the technological problem. The underlined part means _____. A.could solve B.managed solving C.succeeded in solving D.enabled solving 8.— _____ —That sounds good. I like them. A.I like bears. B.Are they pandas? C.Do you like koalas? D.Let’s see the lions first. 9.―Could you make up a story for my little kid? ―_____, I can make it. A.Sorry B.No problem C.You’re welcome D.That’s a pity 10.—Simon, do you want to fly a kite with me? —_____ A.See you. B.Thank you. C.Good idea! D.Nice to meet you! 11.No children _____ to watch this kind of movie because it’s too scary. A.should allow B.should be allowed C.shouldn’t be allowed D.don’t allow 12.—Davy, could you travel around Qiandongnan with me in July? —Oh, sorry. _____ A.I can’t stand staying at home in such hot weather. B.I like visiting some interesting place in such hot weather. C.I prefer to stay at home in such hot weather. D.I don’t mind visiting any place with you. 13.—Could I ask you a personal question? — Of course, _____. A.good idea B.that’s right C.never mind D.go ahead 14.— Let’s play ping-pong. — Sorry, _____. A.that is good B.I don’t play soccer C.let’s play it D.I don’t have a ping-pong bat 15.—Excuse me, can I ask you some questions? — _____ A. Sure, go ahead! B.Congratulations! C.I am so sorry! 二、完型填空 Nowadays, more and more teenagers have too much pressure. They find their 16 are getting heavier and hours they spend on their homework are becoming 17 They think they should be allowed to practice their hobbies. But their parents think the hobbies can 18 their schoolwork. Should parents allow their children 19 their own decisions?Liu Ying, a fifteen-year-old girl, is a singing star at school. She always wanted to be a professional 20 when she grows up. 21 , her parents don't want her to practice singing because they think their daughter should study hard to get good 22 and go to a good university. “She needs to ... ...

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