
【公开课】Unit6 When was it invented ?SectionA1a-2c 课件(共32张PPT)+导学案+音视频

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:初中素材 查看:39次 大小:37857054Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) Unit6 When was it invented ? 人教新目标版 九年级上 SectionA 1a-2c公开课 Warming up Do you know Four Great Inventions in China? 四大发明 Papermaking Gunpowder Printing Compass invention n.发明; 创意 In what order were they invented? When was it invented? invent v.发明; 创造 Presentation the Warring States Period the Western Han Dynasty the Eastern Jin Dynasty the Tang Dynasty? Papermaking Gunpowder Printing Compass 西汉 东晋 唐朝 战国时期 2 3 4 1 When was it invented? It was invented in… The four great inventions were invented by Chinese. 一般过去时的被动语态的结构为“was/were + 及物动词的过去分词”。 shared bikes high-speed railways Online shopping electronic payment New Four Great Inventions in China 1964 2010 1999 2014 年份的读法 两个数字一组,分为前后两组 1 1865 eighteen sixty five 1989 nineteen eighty nine 2 千年的读法 two thousand 2001 two thousand and one 3 前两个数字不为零,后两个数字为零。 eighteen hundred 1900 nineteen hundred 4 非四位数的年份的读法! 531 five hundred and thirty-one Look at the things below. In what order do you think they were invented? Discuss them with your group. Then number them [1-4]. 1a 4 2 1 3 A: I think the TV was invented before the car. B: Well, I think the TV was invented after the car . Alice Grandma What are Alice and her grandma talking about? Questions may be used: Who invented them? When were they invented? Pre-listening Listen and match the inventions with the years. _____ 1876 _____ 1885 _____1927 _____1971 d a c b 1b Listen again and fill in the blanks. Alice: Was your life very _____ when you were a kid? Grandma: Oh, _____. Why? Alice: Well, you didn’t have modern inventions like a _____, right? Grandma: Of course we did! How old do you think I am? The telephone _____ in ____. You need to take a _____ class, Alice! Alice: Haha! How about ____? They _____ yet, were they? difficult not really telephone was invented 1876 history cars weren’t invented Grandma: Yes, they were. Cars _____ in ____. My family had a car. Alice: Well, did you _____? Grandma: No, we couldn’t _____ one. They were _____ in those days. The TV _____ around ____, I think. Alice: Well, I know that you didn’t have a _____, because we learned in school that personal computers _____ in ____. Grandma: You’re right. But I have one now! 1827 were invented 1885 have a TV afford expensive was invented computer were invented 1971 B: It was invented in ... B: It was invented by ... A: When was the car invented? A: Who was it invented by? Karl Benz invented the first car in 1885. The first car was invented (by Karl Benz) in 1885. B: It was invented in ... B: It was invented by ... A: When was the telephone invented? A: Who was it invented by? The first telephone was invented (by Bell) in 1876. Bell invented the first telephone in 1876. B: It was invented in ... B: It was invented by ... A: When was the television invented? A: Who was it invented by? The first television was ... ...

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