

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:56次 大小:7622774Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    本资料来自于资源齐21世纪教育网www.21cnjy.com 八年级上英语听力专项训练九 第一部分 听力部分(20分) .听力(本题共15小题,第一,二节每小题1分,第三节每小题2分,共20分) 第一节:听小对话,选择正确的图片。每个对话仅读一次。(5分) ( ) 1. Where’s Linda going for vacation ( ) 2. How does David usually go to school A. B. C. ( ) 3. What does Mary do every day ( ) 4. What was the weather like last Sunday A. B. C. ( ) 5. What does Bob give Anna on her birthday A. B. C. 第二节: 听小对话,选择正确的答案。(5分) ( ) 6. What’s wrong with Rick A. He has a headache. B. He has a sore throat. C. He has a toothache. ( ) 7.What does Jim think of the movie A. Great. B. Boring. C. Terrible. ( ) 8. What advice does the doctor give him A. Don’t work too late. B. Don’t work too hard. C. Don’t eat anything. ( ) 9. How long is the boy staying on Dongtou Island A. Two days B. Three days C. Four days ( ) 10. How much is the T-shirt now A.¥42. B.¥21. C.$ 21. 第三节:听独白,从A、B、C三个选项中选择正确的选项,完成信息记录表。(10分) Name Job Looks Character(特点) What to do tomorrow Sally A reporter 11 hair Outgoing 12 Ted A 13 Tall 14 15 ( )11. A. Long straight B. Short curly C. Short straight. ( )12. A. Visit her friends B. Visit her teacher C. Visit her grandparents ( )13. A. tennis player B. football player C. basketball player ( )14. A. Calm B. Quiet C. Beautiful ( )15. A. Have English lessons B. Have a training C. Have a test 听力答案 1-5 C B B C A 6-10 C A B B B 11-15 A B C A B 听力材料 第一节:听小对话,选择正确的图片,对话读一遍。(5分) 1. M: What are you doing for vacation, Linda W: I’m visiting my cousins in Hong Kong. 2. W: How do you usually go to school, David M: I usually ride my bike. If it rains, I take my father’s car. 3. M: A: How often do you do homework, Mary W: Every day, of course. As a student, study comes first. 4. W: Where did you go last Sunday M: Last Sunday Oh, I wanted to go hiking, but it was rainy. So I stayed at home. What about you W: Me I stayed at home, too. 5. M: Happy birthday, Anna! Here’s a present for you. W: What beautiful flowers! Thanks very much, Bob. 第二节: 听小对话,选择正确的答案,对话读一遍。(5分) W: What’s the matter, Rick M: I have a toothache. W: I’m sorry to hear that. I think you should see a dentist. M: I guess I should. W: Did you see the movie Tangshan Earthquake, Jim M: Yes. W: What do you think of the movie M: It’s really a great movie and I’ve never seen such a good movie before. 8. W: What’s up, Tony M: I have a backache. W: Oh, what did the doctor say M: He told me to have a good rest and not to work too hard. 9. W: Where are you going on vacation, Jack M: I thought about Nanxi River, but decided on Dongtou Island W: How long are you staying there M: I’m leaving Rui’an on Friday and staying there till Sunday. 10. M: Excuse me, how much is the blue T-shirt W: Usually it’s 42 yuan, but this week it’s half price, 21 yuan. M: That sounds good. 第三节:听独白,从A、B、C三个选项中 ... ...

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