
Unit 3 My friends Part B Let’s talk 课件(共26张PPT 内嵌素材)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:56次 大小:36686495Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) My friends Part B Let’s talk Unit 3 1. 能够初步理解词汇:or, right, glasses, shoes。 2. 能够在情景中恰当运用句型“He / She has … and his / her …”描述他人的外貌特征。 重点 Practice Presentation Production Warming-up Summary Teaching aims 3. 能够懂得不要以貌取人。 Practice Presentation Production Warming-up Summary Watch and say What words or phrases are used in the song to describe a friend? Practice Presentation Production Warming-up Summary Watch and say What words or phrases are used in the song to describe a friend? long hair quiet tall Practice Presentation Production Warming-up Summary Friends If your friend is tall and quiet, clap your hands. If your friend is tall and quiet, clap your hands. If your friend is tall and quiet, If your friend is tall and quiet, If your friend is tall and quiet, clap your hands. If your friend has long hair, stamp your feet. If your friend has long hair, stamp your feet. If your friend has long hair, If your friend has long hair, If your friend has long hair, stamp your feet. Let’s sing Practice Presentation Production Warming-up Summary Play a game Who is he / she? His / Her name is … He / She is … Ask and answer Practice Presentation Production Warming-up Summary Look! A boy or girl? A boy. or Ask and answer Practice Presentation Production Warming-up Summary What color are his shoes? His shoes are blue. shoes Ask and answer Practice Presentation Production Warming-up Summary What color are his glasses? His glasses are red. glasses Yes. You are right. You are right Practice Presentation Production Warming-up Summary Who’s Mike’s friend? Wu Yifan is Mike’s friend. Watch and answer Listen and order Yes. You’re right. Hi, John. I have a good friend. No. He has glasses and his shoes are blue. A boy. He’s tall and thin. Is he Wu Yifan? c f d g b e c Practice Presentation Production Warming-up Summary A boy or girl? d e f Who’s he? Zhang Peng? g b a a Listen, choose and fill Practice Presentation Production Warming-up Summary Hi, John. I have a good friend. A boy or girl? A boy. _____ He is tall and thin. Who is he? Zhang Peng? No. _____ _____ He has glasses and Is he Wu Yifan? Yes. _____ You’re right. his shoes are blue. He is tall and thin. He has glasses and his shoes are blue. You’re right. 1. Who has a good friend? 2. Is Mike’s friend a boy or girl? 3. Is Wu Yifan tall and strong? Read and answer Practice Presentation Production Warming-up Summary Mike. A boy. No, he is tall and thin. 3. John knows Wu Yifan. Read and judge Practice Presentation Production Warming-up Summary 2. Zhang Peng’s shoes are blue. 1. Wu Yifan wears glasses. Listen and follow Mike: Hi, John. I have a good friend. John: A boy or girl? Mike: A boy. He’s tall and thin. John: Who is he? Zhang Peng? Mike: No. He has glasses and his shoes are blue. John: Is he Wu Yifan? Mike: Yes. You’re right. Practice Presentation Production Warming-up Summary He has glasse ... ...

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