
选择性必修 第一册 U 2 Looking into the Future -using language-words and expressions(共38张PPT)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:65次 大小:4901991Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit2 Looking Into The Future The best way to predict the future is to create it. -Peter Drucker Learning Aims be able to read the new words get to know the formations of the words and memorize the words reasonably Checking 1 2 3 4 5 6 choose and read 1 structure crime combine artificial intelligence 2 clone predict forecast occupation oppose 3 hence cease deceased absence rural 4 advocate emphasis luxury keep in touch career 5 prospect resist resistance paragraph signpost 6 essay cccurate librarian Christian structure 词根struct表结构 The chemical structure of this particular molecule is very unusual. construct建造 destruct毁坏 secure =se(否定)+cure(care)不需要担心-安全的 n.security 安全工作 Wherever they went they were closely followed by security men. crime犯罪-criminal罪犯 Crime figures are rising rapidly. 犯罪数字正在迅速上升 combine=com+bi(bicycle)二 合并 The trip will combine business with pleasure. nanobot=nanometer纳米+robot artificial -fic做(fact) 艺术手法做出来的-人工的 Logic is the main tool in the research of artificial intelligence. clone克隆 colony殖民地 A team from the UK were the first to successfully clone an animal. predict=pre(前)+dict(说) dictate听写 dictionary 字典 It is impossible to predict what the eventual outcome will be. forecast=fore(before)+cast(投射) broadcast 广播 Sometimes the weather forecast is accurate(精确的),sometimes not. Occupy词根cup=cap头,首 表去当头领,侵占,占领 n.occupation I suppose I was looking for an occupation which was going to be an adventure. oppose=op(反方向)+pose(放置) pose姿势 posture姿势 position位置 n.opposed 反对的 More people favour a single European currency(货币) than oppose it. hence adv. It is handmade and hence expensive. The sports meet will be held three days hence. 因此 之后 consequence 后果 cease(息事) adv. You never cease to amaze me! The company ceased trading in June. deceased已死的 停止,终止 absent缺席的-present出席的 absence-presence n. We didn’t receive any news during his long absence. rural农村的 urban城市的 The survey is carried out in both urban and rural areas. advocate(voice)-为其发声-支持,提倡 Many experts advocate rewarding your child for good behavior. emphasis em=in phas=photo光 词义表光打进去-强调 Our company puts the emphasis on quality. luxury lux=loose 松的 词义指松懈的,无节制的 Few could afford the luxury. career 职业 词根car表跑,原指跑道,后指职业之道 He devoted himself to his career. prospect 前景,可能性 pro表前,spect表看(special一眼看出来的) There is no immediate prospect of peace. resist 往回站-抵抗 re表返回 sist表站(stand) He couldn’t resist showing off his new car. graph 图表 paragraph 段落 signpost 路标 Follow the signpost to thesupermarket. essay=ex+say向外说出来-文章 Your essay needs structure. accurate 词根cur表心(care) 去用心-精准的 The figure is accurate to 2 decimal places. library 图书馆 librarian图书管理员 Do you volunteer for a librarian nanobot artificial clon ... ...

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