

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:57次 大小:45473Byte 来源:二一课件通
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2020-2021学年江苏省无锡市新吴区清名桥中学八年级(上)寒假英语试卷 一、选择题 1.This piano is too big.Can you make _____ for it?(  ) A.a space B.some spaces C.some more rooms D.some space 2.Today the forests are getting fewer and fewer.We must _____ down too many trees.(  ) A.keep people cutting B.prevent people from cutting C.stop people to cutting D.all the above 3._____ animals are in danger and there will be _____ space for them if we don't take any action.(  ) A.More and more;more and more B.Less and less;less and less C.More and more;less and less D.Less and less;more and more 4.Do you need more people _____ you _____ the trees and the flowers?(  ) A.help; water B.to help; water C.help; to water D.to help; watering 5.She didn't sing the song ____ at the party last night.(  ) A.enough good B.well enough C.enough well D.good enough 6.The number of giant pandas is becoming_____ because there are_____ living areas for wildlife.(  ) A.fewer and fewer; less and less B.smaller and smaller; less and less C.fewer and fewer; smaller and smaller D.smaller and smaller; fewer and fewer 7.Let's do something_____ for wildlife in the world.(  ) A.make some space B.making some spaces C.to make some spaces D.to make some space 8.﹣What do you think of this bird show?﹣_____.I want to take my family there again(  ) A.Boring B.Just so so C.Wonderful D.Terrible 9.Today the forests are in danger.We must_____ down too many trees.(  ) A.prevent people from cutting B.keep people from cutting C.stop people cutting D.all the above 10.He went carefully through his homework_____ make mistakes.(  ) A.as a result B.in order that C.in order not to D.in order to not 11.Very few people devoted as much time _____ Audrey Hepburn did _____ for Charities.(  ) A.like; to work B.as; to working C.as; into working D.like; working 12._____ binoculars helps you see the things far away more (  ) A.A; clearly B.A pair of; clearly C./; clearly D.A pair of; clear 13.It's a perfect room for your parents_____.(  ) A.to live B.living C.live in D.to live in 14.Do you need more people _____ you_____ the vegetables?(  ) A.to help; water B.help; water C.to help; watering D.help; to water 15.﹣May I sit here?﹣_____.It's for Miss Liu.(  ) A.Of course B.Not at all C.Of course not D.Better not 16.Her mother looked _____at that moment when she heard the good news.(  ) A.happy B.happily C.unhappy D.unhappily 17._____of giant pandas is getting _____ because their living areas are becoming farmland.(  ) A.The number,larger and larger B.A number,larger and larger C.The number,smaller and smaller D.A number,smaller and smaller 18.You are _____ to choose the way _____ the task.(  ) A.free,finishing B.free,finish C.free,to finish D.freely,to finish 19.Shall we go to Laoshe Tea House to drink specia ... ...

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