
Unit11 Cooking with mocky 复习课件(共53张PPT)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:54次 大小:5451482Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) 五年级下 U11 知识导航 Unit 11 Cooking with Mocky 询问某人需要什么的句型 人称代词宾格的用法 祈使句 能够听、说、读、写单词和词组 掌握询问某人需要什么的句型及回答: What do we need? 掌握人称代词宾格的用法 掌握祈使句的结构 学习目标 Which cake do you like? 热身活动 Which is your favorite cake? 热身活动 英 汉 ask 问,提问 add 加,增加 bake 烘烤 break 打碎 change 更改 词汇宝典 英 汉 guess 猜测 mix 混合,搅拌 need 需要 pour 倾倒,浇 shout 喊叫 词汇宝典 英 汉 butter 黄油 cookbook 烹饪书,菜谱 flour 面,面粉 pour 倾倒,浇 knife 小刀 词汇宝典 英 汉 plate 盘子 recipe 烹饪方法 salt 盐 step 步骤 sugar 糖 词汇宝典 英 汉 tell 告诉 puzzled 疑惑的,不明白的 a liter of milk 一升牛奶 词汇宝典 What do we need? We need flour, milk, eggs and butter. First, put 2 cups of flour into a bowl. Then, add 1 cup of milk. Show Pass Give 句型秘籍 me her him us them the cookbook butter eggs flour Put four spoons of butter in a bowl. Add one cup of sugar. Break two eggs into the bowl. Add two cups of flour. Add one cup of milk. Mix together. Eat your cake! Bake your cake. Mocky wanted to help us , he read the recipe. recipe Mocky told us to put three kilograms of flour into a bowl. flour How much flour did ken put into the bowl? one kilogram of flour two kilograms of flour three kilograms of flour Three kilograms of flour were a lot. Ann was puzzled. Puzzled Then Mocky told Ken to add one kilogram of butter to the flour. add mix Mix the butter and flour together. milk Pour some milk into the bowl. Pour Pour some milk into the bowl. What’s the next step? Break twelve eggs into the bowl. Break twelve eggs into the bowl. Break The sugar looks like salt. But they are different. sugar salt Ken and Ann were even more puzzled. Ann asked mocky to show her the recipe Because he wanted to make a bigger cake. Mocky changed the recipe. why? make a cake eggs sugar butter flour milk How to make a cake Put flour into the bowl. Step 1: Step 2: Step3: Step 4: Step 5: Step 6: Add butter to the flour. Mix the butter and flour together. Add a litter of milk. Break eggs into the bowl. Add two kilograms of sugar. Step 7: Bake the cake. Share the cake. Step 8: 填空 1.Let's _____(make) a cake. 【答案】make 单项选择 2. Ken decited _____ a cake for his dad. A. to make B. make C. made 【答案】A 3.按要求写单词 (1) knife (复数) _____ (2) put (过去式) _____ (3) take (过去式) _____ (4) 穿上 _____ (5) break (过去式) _____ 【答案】 (1) knives (2) put (3) took (4) put on (5) broke 单项选择 4. What _____ we need? A. does B. are C. do 【答案】C 连词成句 5.eating do you vegetables like (?) _____ 【答案】Do you like eating vegetables? p_ur sh_ _t _dd b _ke 语法秘籍 人称代词的分类 人称代词分为主格和宾格两种形式。 第一人称 第二人称 第三人称 单数 复数 单数 复数 单数 复数 主格 I we you you he she it they 宾格 me us you you him her it them p_ur sh_ _t _dd b _ke 语法秘籍 人称代词的用法: 1.主格在句子中做主语。 eg: I like English. 2.宾格在句子中做宾语,用于及物 ... ...

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