

日期:2024-06-18 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:83次 大小:127072Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    ( …………○…………外…………○…………装…………○…………订…………○…………线…………○………… ) ( ※※请※※不※※要※※在※※装※※订※※线※※内※※答※※题※※ ) ( …………○…………内…………○…………装…………○…………订…………○…………线…………○………… ) 登陆二一教育在线组卷平台 助您教考全无忧 广东省深圳市宝安区2020-2021学年六年级上学期英语期末调研测试试卷 一、判断各组划线部分发音是相同。(共5小题,每小题1分) 1.(2020六上·宝安期末).判断各组划线部分发音是相同还是不同。 (1).A. bag????????? B. gate???????? C. back (2).A. thank??????? B. tooth???????? C. think (3).A. work???????? B. word???????? C. north (4).A. put????????? B. full??????????? C. sugar (5).A. autumn????? B. daughter????? C. August 二、选择填空,从每小题的三个选项中选出最佳选项。(共10小题,每小题1分) 2.(2020六上·宝安期末).Healthy children _____ eat before bedtime. A.?often?????????????????????????????B.?never?????????????????????????????C.?always 3.(2020六上·宝安期末).Trees help us in many ways. We _____ a lot of things _____ trees. A.?get; from?????????????????????????B.?cut; into?????????????????????????C.?take; to 4.(2020六上·宝安期末).Football games in the US are _____ from those in the UK. A.?the same????????????????????????B.?different????????????????????????C.?far away 5.(2020六上·宝安期末).Jill didn't have breakfast this morning. That's _____ for her. A.?healthy?????????????????????????B.?exciting?????????????????????????C.?unhealthy 6.(2020六上·宝安期末).At the supermarket we shouldn't use too many _____ for shopping. A.?plastic bags??????????????????B.?shopping bags??????????????????C.?schoolbags 7.(2020六上·宝安期末).Now there are only about one thousand six hundred _____ in the wild. A.?pandas??????????????????B.?South China tigers??????????????????C.?blue whales 8.(2020六上·宝安期末).We need _____ to keep us _____. It's very important to all people. A.?air; clean???????????????????????B.?air; alive???????????????????????C.?smoke; sick 9.(2020六上·宝安期末)._____ is the capital of Japan. People love eating _____ there. A.?Tokyo; dumplings?????????????B.?Beijing; seafood?????????????C.?Tokyo; sushi 10.(2020六上·宝安期末).In China, _____ is on 12th March every year. A.?Children's Day???????????????B.?Earth Hour???????????????C.?Tree Planting Day 11.(2020六上·宝安期末).Sally was a baby in this photo. She was _____. A.?small and cute????????????B.?big and strong????????????C.?tall and handsome 三、完形填空(5分) 12.(2020六上·宝安期末).从短文后每小题的三个选项中选出能填入相应空白处的最佳选项。 A long time ago, there was a fir tree(杉树)in a forest. It was short and thin. Children and animals liked to play under it. But it was not happy. It wanted to be tall and???1???. One day workers came to the forest and???2???some tall trees. They took them away and used the wood to make paper. Then December came. A family came and took the fir tree home. They planted it in their???3???. They put some small lights on it. They pu ... ...

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