
2021-2022学年人教(2019)版高中英语必修第一册Unit 5 Languages around the World(原卷版+解析版)

日期:2024-05-04 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:65次 大小:74893Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    人教(2019)版高中英语必修第一册第5元限时练 时间:50分钟 分值:100 第一分 阅读(共两节,满分50分) 第一节(共15小题;每小题2. 5分.满分37. 5分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。 A Wolff Poetry Literary Scholarship Awards If you enjoy poetry and enjoy writing poetry, then we invite you to submit an original poem. Each scholarship we offer will be theme-based and have specific requirements. Description for Poetry Scholarships The Wolff Poetry Literary Scholarship Awards is open to students 25 years or younger to the age of 12, either you are a current grade or high school student who is looking forward to attending college or is attending an undergraduate or graduate course in creative writing. Poetry Scholarship Guidelines 1. Poems can be rhyming or non-rhyming;we do favor non-rhyming. 2. Originality and expressive form about emotions and feelings is what digs at our souls. 3. Poems are judged on the basis of grammar, originality, creativity, and uniqueness. 4. English-language poems only; we will not accept anything else. 5. Enter as often as you like! Poetry Scholarship Rules All poems must be the original creation of the submitting author. All rights to the poems must be owned by the author and shall remain the property of the author. The author gives Wolff Poetry Literary Magazine permission to publish and display the poem on the Web (in electronic form only) if the poem is chosen as a winner or finalist. Winners will be contacted within 45 days of the deadline date. The $ 250 scholarship is open to everyone except employees of Wolff Poetry Literary Magazine and their families. 1. What are the awards intended for? A. All students. B. College students. C. Any poetry lover. D. Students aged from 12 to 25. 2. What will result in disqualification? A. A rhyming poem. B. An original creation. C. A poem of a unique style. D. A poem written in Chinese. 3. What can we learn about the winners? A. They have to abandon the copyrights of their poems. B. All of them will share a total of $ 250 scholarship. C. Their poems will be read on the organizer’s website. D. They will be employed by Wolff Poetry Literary Magazine. B For the first time, a woman captain led Britain’s Changing of the Guard ceremony at Buckingham Palace. Canadian officer Megan Couto made history on June 26 by commanding the troops guarding Queen Elizabeth's London home. Couto, 24, led her Canadian unit in the ceremony, which is witnessed by thousands of visitors to London each year. Her unit is the Second Battalion, Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry (步兵),also known as The Patricia's". The British Army said Couto was the first ever female infantry officer to lead the ceremony. “We look forward to seeing a British Army female infantry captain of the queen's guard when roles are opened up to women by the end of next year,“ a statement read. Women were barred from serving in the British infantry and other fighting roles until the military chang ... ...

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