
译林版(2019)必修一:Unit 4 Looking good, feeling good 单元教案(表格式)

日期:2024-09-28 科目:英语 类型:高中教案 查看:90次 大小:120832Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit 4 Looking good, feeling good Welcome to the unit 教学目标 By the end of this section, students will be able to: 1. evaluate and compare lifestyles of different teenagers; 2. offer practical suggestions to improve one’s lifestyle; 3. establish a healthy lifestyle and a positive outlook on beauty. 教学重难点 1. To compare and improve different lifestyles; 2. To explain the relationship between outer beauty and inner beauty. 教学过程 步 骤 教学活动 设计意图 互动时间&模式 Lead-in Step 1 The teacher has students finish Question 1 on Page 43.What good habits do Carol and Tom have Tick the boxes above. 判断两位案例学生的日常生活习惯是否健康,引导学生的生活观,引出本课话题。 3’Individual Work Discussion Step 2 The teacher has students compare Carol’s and Tom’s lifestyles and answer the following questions.1. How are their lifestyles different from each other CarolTomEating(1) _____(2) _____Sleeping(3) _____(4) _____Relaxation(5) _____(6) _____2. How do you find Carol’s and Tom’s lifestyle respectively and why 3. How can Carol and Tom improve their lifestyles (Question 2 on Page 43) 从不同方面比较两位案例学生的日常生活习惯,讨论提高其生活质量的实际方案,为反思学生自身做好铺垫。 10’Pair Work Free talk Step 3 The teacher has students answer Question 3 on Page 43 in groups.What is your lifestyle like How can you improve it 描述并反思个人生活习惯,虚心采纳同伴提出的改进意见,加强形成更加健康的生活习惯的意识。 15’Group WorkClass Work Extension Step 4 The teacher has students discuss the following questions.1. Do you agree with the quotation of Audrey Hepburn on Page 43 Why or why not 2. How do you understand the title of this unit Does “looking good” mean “feeling good” 通过品读名人名言,联系单元主题语境,批判性地思考外在美感与内心感受之间的关系,加深对美的真正内涵的理解,树立积极向上的审美观。 15’Group WorkClass Work Homework1. Make up an action plan of how to improve one’s own lifestyle.2. Collect other quotes related to beauty. 2’ Reading Teen faints after skipping meals 教学目标 By the end of this section, students will be able to: 1. predict and obtain the outline, facts and opinions of the news report; 2. analyze reasons why teenagers blindly lose weight and infer the writer’s purpose; 3. express critical opinions of losing weight as a social trend. 教学重难点 1. To infer the writer’s purpose of writing this news report; 2. To adopt a positive attitude towards weight problems and beauty. 教学过程 步 骤 教学活动 设计意图 互动时间&模式 Pre-reading Step 1 The teacher has students work in pairs to answer the following questions.1. Question 1 on Page 44: Do you think senior high school students should pay much attention to their weight Why or why not 2. What do you think of skipping meals to lose weight 3. Question 2 on Page 44: What do you think are healthy ways of losing weight 激活学生已有的关于青少年减肥的认知和经验,引出主题;引导学生关注阅读新闻报道时需关注的语篇特征。 5’Pair Work Step 2 The teacher has students predict the conten ... ...

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