

日期:2024-06-20 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:63次 大小:13887231Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 备战2022高考英语晨听晚训系列(五)学生版 (含听力+语法填空+词汇长难句) Passage one Part A:泛听并回答以下问题 1: What does the article say is becoming more technologically advanced A:roads B:batteries C:cars 2:In which city was the car unveiled(揭开帷幕) A:Munich B:New York C:Tokyo 3:What movie influenced the name of the car A:Frozen B:Avatar C:Titanic 4:When will people be able to buy the car A:in two years B:never C:no time soon 5:What stage of production is the car in A:a assembly stage B:the final stage C:the concept stage 6:What does BCI mean A:battery compartment in-tray B:brain-computer interface C:brake-combustion ignition 7:How long does the car need to read the driver's brain A:a few seconds B:an hour C:about a minute Part B:精听并且填写缺少的单词(每空不多于3个单词) Cars are becoming (1) _____ technologically advanced. In the past decade, we have seen improvements in electric car technology and driverless cars. The (2) _____ comes from Mercedes-Benz. The luxury carmaker has unveiled a car that lets you use your mind to control certain things. The (3) _____ unveiled its futuristic car at the IAA Mobility show in Munich earlier this week. The car is called Vision AVTR. The four capitalized letters (4) _____ of its name are to make people think of the movie Avatar. This movie was about using the brain to (5) _____. A Mercedes spokesperson said the car would not be available for purchase any time soon. It is currently in the (6) _____ of production. Mercedes is using a te chnology called (7) _____ (BCI) in the Vision AVTR. The car's computers "read" brain signals and translate them into(8) _____. Mercedes says the system needs about a minute to get to understand a new driver's thought processes. The driver will then be able to (9) _____ in the car using just their thoughts. Mercedes spokeswoman Britta Seeger spoke about how exciting she thought the (10) _____car was. She said: "Mercedes-Benz is setting another milestone in the (11) _____ and machine." The Mercedes website says: "As soon as you get in, the car becomes an extension of your own body and a tool to(12) _____ the environment." Part C:精听并且回答下列问题 Who is Britta Seeger What does Mercedes say the car becomes an extension of 21·cn·jy·com What will the car allow people to discover Passage two Part A:泛听并回答以下问题 1:How many of GM's plants are still producing cars 2-1-c-n-j-y A:2 B:4 C:7 2:What three car brands does the article say GM owns 21 cnjy com A:Pontiac, Cabriolet and MG B:Chrysler, Lincoln and Ford C:Cadillac, Chevrolet and GMC 3:What did a spokesperson say GM is trying to resolve A:super-chain issues B:supple-chair issues C:supply-chain issues 4:In what state did a spokesman say the situation remains A: complete and fluid B:complex and fluid C:unacceptable and complex 5: What did the spokesman say GM was trying to minimize A:the impact B:the damage C:the loss of profits 6 ... ...

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