
Module 3 Unit 1 Where did you go? 教案 (含反思)

日期:2024-05-19 科目:英语 类型:小学教案 查看:15次 大小:23654Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Module 3 Unit 1 Where did you go 【知识目标】 (1)要求大部分学生能理解,部分学生能掌握的词汇: weekend,place, British Museum, how 要求大部分学生能理解,部分学生能掌握句型: 1.What did you do at the weekend Where did you go How did you go there 【能力目标】 (1)能读懂、理解课文大意并回答出相关问题; (2)能运用所学句型询问过去所做的事情,去过的地方,并能回答提问。 【情感目标】 引导和培养学生英语学习的自主性和积极性,促使养成互帮互助,共同体验的合作学习习惯。通过本课学习,激发学生热爱世界,热爱家乡的情怀。 【学情分析】 这节课选自外研版小学英语(三年级起)五年级上册模块三,第一单元。课题是《Where did you go 》,是一节会话课,考虑到地域差异和学生的英语基础,计划两课时完成,本课是第一课时。 【教学重难点】 重点: 1、正确理解课文。 2、用过去时提问并能描述上周末发生的事情。 难点: 以what, where,How引导的一般疑问句过去时。 【课前准备】 1. 单词卡片/时间展示图; 2. 教学光盘或其他录音机设备; 3. 教学课件。 【教学过程】 Step 1:Greetings? 【设计意图】通过日常问候使学生进入英语课堂学习状态。 Step 2:Warm up ? T: What day is it today Ss: It is Friday. T: How many days in a week Monday.... Ss:Tuesday..... T: So there are seven days in a week, now let’s chant!Follow me!Sunday、Monday、Tuesday..... Ss:Sunday、Monday、Tuesday.... T: Look,the green words, we call Saturday and Sunday ,weekend.Follow me... Ss:weekend, weekend... 【设计意图】说唱律动是小学生喜欢的学习形式,以星期为载体的说唱活动不仅能够复习星期词汇,引出单词“weekend”,而且还能进一步调动学生的学习热情。 Step 3:Lead-in ? T: Talk time! Qiao Jiaxuan, Did you go to Beijing in the summer holidays SQ: Yes, I did. T:What did you do You can answer ”I went to Beijing.” SQ:I.......... T: Everybody, What...... Ss: What..... T: Qiao.... SQ:I went ..... T: Look, did you visit the Great Wall SQ: Yes, I did. T:(So)Where did you go You can answer ”I visited the .....” SQ: I.......... T: Everybody, Where...... Ss: What..... T: Qiao.... SQ:I visited ..... T: Did you go to the Great Wall by bus SQ: Yes, I did. T: (So)How did you go there ..You can answer”I went by bus.” SQ:I.......... T: Everybody! How...... Ss: How..... . SQ:I went ..... T: Can you ask and answer with your partner ....... T: Everybody! Can you Ss:Yes! T:Ask and answer in pairs,then let's have a show! …… (设计意图:围绕教学目标中三个重要句式预设情境,以旧知引导新知,使用学习过的过去式一般疑问句问答与指定学生对话,依次引出特殊疑问句式,顺势与全班学生一起操练。之后,由两位同学示范问答,各小组积极模仿展示。) Step 4:Presentation 1. New words: place, the British Museum T: Today we will learn Module 3 ,Unit 1 Where……… Ss: Where did you go T: Look, what’s this Ss: Big Ben. T: And what’s this Ss: Tower Bridge. T: Where are they Ss: They are in London. T: Big Ben is a place. Place. Follow me. Ss: Place, place... T: There are two places. Places. Ss: Places. T: What’s this Ss:… T: This is museum, a place where has a large collection of historical relics. follow me一个收藏大量历史文化遗物的地方,in Chinese ,it means 博…. ! Ss:博物馆! T:Yes! You’re so clever! Follow me! ,! Ss: M ... ...

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