
Unit 4 We love animals PA Letters and sounds课件+素材(31张PPT)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:小学素材 查看:21次 大小:49813388Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) 2021年秋人教PEP英语课件 三年级上册 Unit 4 We love animals 第3课时 Letters and sounds (Part A) Start to read: Find and say. (Part B) Warming up Revision T : Hi, boys and girls! Ss: Hello, Miss… T: Good morning! Ss: Good morning! T: Let's play letter games, OK Ss: OK! Greetings Revision Presentation Presentation Presentation Presentation Presentation Presentation Listen and circle. g j l n k c m n l n Practice Write and say Practice Find and say I see K, j… Extension 认一认,在四线三格里写一写它们的大小写。 Extension 1.词汇: jeep kite long mum nose jump Kate leg milk noodle 2.字母: Summary 一、看图,在四线三格上写出对应的大小写字母。 Kk Mm Jj Nn 二、读句子,给字母涂上颜色。 1.Colour J blue. 2.Colour K red. 3.Colour L yellow. 4.Colour M brown. 5.Colour N green. 三、写出下列字母的邻居,注意大小写。 1.j l n 2.Ii Kk Mm k m Jj Ll Nn 3.Hh Jj 4.K M Ii Kk L N 四、找到单词的首字母,涂上你喜欢的颜色,并将单词写在四线三格上。 1.It’s a jeep 2.I have a kite 3.This is my leg 4.I love my mum 5.I like noodles Goodbye!

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