

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:79次 大小:37173Byte 来源:二一课件通
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2020-2021学年河南省信阳市潢川县七年级(下)月考英语试卷B(4月份) 一、阅读理解。(40分) 1.(10分)Susan is a student in a middle school.She takes the school bus to school every day.She likes putting her things here and there. She often sits near the bus driver.Today is Tuesday.Susan gets off the bus.She comes into the classroom.Now it's time to have the English class.But Susan can't find her school bag.Her English book is in it.She looks into her desk and it is not there. "Oh,no".Susan thinks. "Is it at home?Where is it? " Just then,the English teacher,Mr.White,Susan sees a note(便条). Susan:I see the name "Susan" in the English book.I find it on your seat.Mr.Smith,school bus driver 根据短文内容,选择正确答案。 (1)How doer Susan go to school every day?    A.On foot. B.By bike. C.Take the underground. D.Take the school bus. (2)Where is Susan now?    A.On the school bus. B.At her home. C.In the classroom. D.At the teacher's office. (3)Susan often sits    on the bus. A.near the door B.near the driver C.behind the passenger D.behind her friends (4)What's in the English book?    A.A note. B.The e﹣mail address. C.A picture of a bus. D.The telephone number. (5)Who finds the English book?    A.Susan. B.Mr.White. C.Mr.Smith. D.Susan's friend. 2.(10分)Many interesting things happen(发生)in class every day.Today,Mr.Liu, "Please be quiet!" But Wang Feng is still talking.Then Mr.Liu says, " When do people talk least (最少)?" No one knows.Mr.Liu asks Wang Feng to answer it.Wang Feng doesn't know too, "In February." "Why?" All the students want to know. "Because February is shorter(更短)than the other month."Mr.Liu says, "Because it's February,right?" All the students laugh(笑).But Wang Feng's face turns red.He says, "Sorry Then Mr.Liu says, "A good boy!Let's have a class." 根据短文内容,选择正确答案。 (1)The students are having a    class. A.English B.Chinese C.history D.geography (2)The underlined word "quiet" means   . A.活跃的 B.吵闹的 C.安静的 D.快速的 (3)From the passage,we can know Wang Feng is a    boy. A.bad B.kind C.tall D.clever (4)Why does Wang Feng say " In February"?    A.Because he doesn't know. B.Because they are in February. C.Because February is shorter than the other month. D.Because people doesn't like talking in February. (5)Which of the following is NOT right?    A.Mr.Liu likes his students talking much in class. B.Wang Feng is a naughty(淘气的)boy. C.In February,people talk least. D.This thing happened in February. 3.(10分) For Rent A big apartment for a family of three people.¥650 a month.Call Mr.Zhang. Tel:(010)8838﹣7166. Wanted Looking for a quiet single(单人的)room under¥120 a month.Please call Harry at 138﹣7682﹣5856. Lost ID card Name:Dick Number:232324198804125510 Please call (010)8433﹣9211. Found A red bag with some books. Come to Room 402 in the evening or call White at (010)6378﹣3021. 根据表格内容,选择正确答案. 66 ... ...

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