
人教版(2019)英语高中选择性必修第一册 Unit1 Project(18张PPT)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:高中素材 查看:38次 大小:1888645Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) Unit 1 PEOPLE OF ACHIEVEMENT To understand what a biography and an autobiography are. To know about a book report by reading some examples. To write a book report after reading a biography of your choice. What is a biography or an autobiography A biography: the life story of a person written by someone else. An autobiography: a book about a person's life, written by that person. Discuss these questions in groups. 1 Have you ever read a biography or an autobiography of a great person Would you recommend this book Why or why not 2 Which great person would you like to read more about 3 Where can you find recommendations for good biographies or autobiographies A book report is a way for you to let others know about a book you have read. A good book report will help others decide whether they want to read the book or not. The book tells the life story of the novelist Cao Xueqin author of The Dream of the Red Mansions. Cao was born to a rich family but suffered great poverty for most of his life. He drew on his life experiences to write this famous novel, which was published after his death. Cao Xueqin Biography by Li Jianshu, 2009 (Chinese edition) 凭借,利用 Even though Keller wrote this autobiography when she was only 22 years old, it is considered a great book in American literature. It tells about her dark and silent childhood, and how her teacher Anne Sullivan, opened up a new world to her by teaching her how to communicate. The Story of My Life by Helen Keller, 1903 Steven Jobs by Walter Isaacson, 2011 Isaacson interviewed steve Jobs over forty times, and interviewed hundreds of Jobs’ friends, relatives, and rivals to sum up Jobs’ remarkable life. The result is an interesting story of a man driven to succeed and driven to make perfect products. 2. Choose a biography or autobiography of a great person. Read the book, and then write a book report. Keep these points in mind: Use the examples above to help you. Write about how the book makes you feel or think about that person. Write about your overall feelings about the book and its quality. Give your opinion: Should others read this book as well Why or why not Read the biography of your choice and organise your notes using this biography book report template (模板). Write your book report based on your notes. 本写作可分为四部分: 第一部分:介绍你所读的书的基本信息(书名、作者、年代等); 第二部分:简要叙述书的主要内容; 第三部分:描述你的感受(给出supporting ideas / details); 第四部分:表明你的观点(是否推荐阅读及原因)。 常用表达 Recently I read a famous book called ... It was written by ... and was first published in ... The book is partly based on ... ... is a classical masterpiece which attracted me very much. It tells the story of ... who ... It describes the legendary experience of ... It is famous for its lovely details and its expression of ... After reading ... I have deep feelings. I really learned a lot of things from th ... ...

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