
人教版(2019)英语高中选择性必修第一册 Unit 4 Using language 1(21张PPT)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:高中素材 查看:52次 大小:6349939Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) Unit 4 BODY LANGUAGE To understand some facial expressions and talk about body language; To understand a conversation and learn to infer meaning for it; To learn to ask for and make clarification To learn about the pause in sentences. Look at the following facial expressions and guess their meanings. Look at these photos and discuss what you think each person is communicating. Discuss when and where people need to use body language to communicate effectively. People communicate when can’t speak can’t hear well not convenient where …… Listen to a conversation about body language. Then answer the following questions. How did the man get the idea of using gestures to communicate 2. What did the police leader tell his team by using gestures 3. What did the woman say about the acting classes that she's been taking 4. What did the man mean by saying "It's good you tried" at the end of the conversation Infer meaning Sometimes things are not said directly, and so you must guess the meaning, relationship of the people, or context. You can do this by: drawing conclusions from the background information you already have. looking at clues that tell you the context. using logic to work out the meaning. Listen to the conversation again. Are the following statements correct inferences from the conversation 1. The two speakers are married. 2. Making too many gestures in communication is not polite. 3. The police team were probably successful in catching the criminals. 4. Both speakers think body language is useful. 5. The woman is not very confident about her silent acting ability. Act out a scene using only body language to communicate. You may follow these steps to complete your performance. 1. Form into groups of four. One of you is the performer, and the others are observers. 2. The performer writes down a situation and some messages to convey through body language. 3. The performer acts out the scene and the observers individually write down their thoughts without talking to anyone else. 4. The actor reveals the situation and messages, and the group compares notes. Asking for and making clarification What did you mean by ... So you mean …? So did that mean ... What I don’t quite understand is ... Could you explain… Could you give me an example In other wards ... What I meant was ... What I was trying to say was ... Does that make sense Is that clear I can tell that ... Use the table below to clarify any misunderstandings or different answers. 1. There are four ways, | and only four ways, | in which we have contact with the world. | We are evaluated and classified | by these four contacts: | what we do, | how we look, | what we say, | and how we say it. — Dale Carnegie Read the quotes and notice the pause after each sense group. 2. If language was given to men | to conceal their thoughts, | then gesture's purpose | was to disclose them. ― John Napier 3. Body language is a powerful too ... ...

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