
人教版(2019)选择性必修一:Unit1 People of achievement Part3 Using Language作业(含答案)

日期:2024-06-24 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:55次 大小:28246Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit1 Part3 作业 UNIT1 PEOPLE OF ACHIEVEMENT Part3 Using Language, Assessing Your Progress & Video Time 能力提升练 Ⅰ.阅读理解 The Nobel Prize in Literature, which has been awarded annually almost every year since 1901, netted(净赚)the winning author 747,000 pounds, a medal and a certificate, and the legal duty to deliver a lecture in Sweden at some future dates. The winner was selected, as usual, by the Swedish Academy, which also picked a second laureate (获奖者)this year to make up for the fact that no prize was presented in 2018 because of a scandal(丑闻). The Nobel Prize in Literature for 2018 was awarded to the Polish author Olga Tokarczuk for “a narrative imagination that with encyclopedic (百科全书式的)passion represents the crossing of boundaries as a form of life”. She won last year’s Man Booker International Prize for her novel Flights. Her representative works include Drive Your Plow Over the Bones of the Dead and Primeval and Other Times. The Nobel Prize in Literature for 2019 was awarded to the Austrian author Peter Handke for “an influential work that with linguistic ingenuity(语言的独创性)has explored the periphery and the specificity of human experience”. His representative works include A Sorrow Beyond Dreams and Slow Homecoming. Before the announcement of the Nobel Prize in Literature winners, there were also two nominees(被提名者)who have attracted much attention. Chinese people were keeping an eye on the nominee Can Xue. Can Xue, whose real name is Deng Xiaohua, was born in central China’s Hunan Province in 1953. She had a tough childhood, working as a worker in a street factory for eight years. Her life experience has formed her own unique literary path. Can’s books have been translated and published outside China. Frontier, published in the US in 2017, won attention and applause of the West. The other hot guess was the Japanese writer Haruki Murakami whose books and stories had been bestsellers in Japan as well as internationally, with his work being translated into 50 languages and selling millions of copies outside his native country. His work has received numerous awards. Internet users kept an eye on him in the Nobel Prize in Literature because he had become a hot guess for years. His representative works include Norwegian Wood, Kafka on the Shore and 1Q84. 1. Why are two writers awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature this year A. To fill the prize gap of 2018. B. To attract more people’s attention. C. To inspire more outstanding writers. D. To satisfy the development of literature. 2. What made Olga Tokarczuk win the Nobel Prize in Literature A. Her high popularity. B. Her language skills. C. Her numerous works. D. Her writing style. 3. Which book can you choose if you are interested in Peter’s style A. Flights. B. Slow Homecoming. C. Frontier. D. Kafka on the Shore. 4. Why did the Internet users pay close attention to Haruki Murakami A. Because he had created hundreds of great novels. B. Because he had receive ... ...

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