
人教版(2019)选择性必修一:Unit3 Fascinating parks Part2 Learning About Language课前预习学案(含答案)

日期:2024-06-24 科目:英语 类型:高中学案 查看:80次 大小:34166Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit3 Part2 课前预习 Unit 3 FASCINATING PARKS Part 2 Learning About Language & Using Language 【原文】 SAREK NATIONAL PARK—EUROPE’S HIDDEN NATURAL TREASURE I wake up to the sound of the wind buffeting the cloth of tent. Even though the sun is brightly shining, telling whether it is morning or night is impossible.I’m above the Arctic Circle, where is summer the sun never sets.Checking my watch, I see that it is 7:30 a.m. I leave my tent and walk over to the mountain edge.Spreading out before me, branches of the Rapa River flow through the valley below. I’m in the remote far north of Sweden in Sarek National Park, a place with no roads or towns. Sarek’s mountains used to be covered by vast sheets of ice.Around 9,000 years ago, this ice melted,leaving behind about 100 glaciers.Soon after, reindeer began to arrive. Following the reindeer were the Sami people , who made this territory their home. Getting here is quite difficult, so apart from the Sami very few people have even Sarek. In 1909, Sarek was made a national park in order to keep the land in its natural state.Though the Sami are allowed to continue their traditional way of life in the park,no one else can live here, and all new development is banned within park boundaries.At the far side of the valley, an ancient Sami Cottageis visible.Close by, there are a few reindeer feeding on grass. For hundreds of years, looking after reindeer was a way of life for the Sami.They used the reindeer's meat for food, their bones for tools, and their skin for making clothes and tents. Since reindeer were always on the move,the Sami would pick up,their tents and accompany them. Today, most Sami have houses in villages near Sarek and live a modem life just like their neighbours.But every spring, a small number of Sami still follow their reindeer into the valleys of Sarek, living in tents or old cottages and enjoying their traditions. I am not a Sami, but in Sarek I've adopted some of their habits. For example, this morning my breakfast is flat bread warmed over a fire, dried reindeer meat, and some sweet and sour berries that I found growing near my tent. After breakfast I pack my bag and set out and set out again.Since I must carry all of my food and supplies withme, my fter breakfast, I pack my bag and set out again. Since I must carry all of my food and supplies with me, my bag weighs about 30 kilograms. If today is anything like yesterday, it will be full of sweat and hard work as I hike over this difficult land to my destination on the other side of the valley. However. I cannot complain. Being in such a beautiful and wild place makes me feel blessed to be alive. Here I am,alone under this broad sky, breathing the fresh air, and enjoying this great adventure . What could be better 萨利克国家公园—欧洲隐藏的自然宝藏 我醒来时听到风在呼呼地(buffet连续猛击)吹我帐蓬上的布(cloth)。虽然阳光灿烂,但判断是早上还是晚上是不可能的。我在北极圈的上方,夏天太阳永不落山。看了看我的表,我知道了现在是早上7:30。我离 ... ...

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