
Unit 6 When was it invented? SectionA (1a-2d)课件59张

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:初中素材 查看:26次 大小:91529320Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) 人教版 英语 九年级全册 Period 1 Section A (1a-2d) Unit6 When was it invented? computer car 导入新知 Talk about the history of inventions Language Goal 1a.Look at the things below. In what order do you think they were invented?Discuss them with your group. Then number them[1—4](1=first,4=last). 合作探究 1 3 4 2 A: I think the TV was invented before the car. ① 我认为电视机是在小汽车之前被发明的。 B: Well, I think the TV was invented after the car. 哦,我认为电视机是在小汽车之后被发明的。 一般过去时的被动语态 1b. Listen and match the inventions with the years. _____1876 _____1885 _____1927 _____1971 d a c b Alice: Was your life very difficult when you were a kid Grandma: Oh, not really. Why Alice: Well, you didn’t have modern inventions like a telephone, right Grandma: Of course we did! How old do you think I am The telephone was invented in 1876. You need to take a history class, Alice! Alice: Haha! How about cars They weren’t invented yet, were they 听力材料 Grandma: Yes, they were. Cars were invented in1885. My family had a car. Alice: Well, did you have a TV Grandma: No, we couldn’t afford one. They were expensive in those days. The TV was invented around 1927, I think. Alice: Well, I know that you didn’t have a computer because we learned in school that personal computers were invented in 1971. Grandma: You’re right. But I have one now! 1c.Student B,cover the dates. Student A,ask Student B when the things in the picture in 1b were invented. Then change roles and practice again. A:When was the telephone invented B:I think it was invented in 1876. 合作探究 2a.Listen and number the inventions[1—3]in the order you hear them. 1 2 3 ② Alex: Hi, Carol. Wow, what are those Carol: Hello, Alex. Oh, these are some of the interesting inventions that I’m writing about for my English homework. Alex: I see…What’s that, then Carol: They’re shoes with lights. You use them for seeing in the dark when you get up at night. Alex: Oh, that’s a cool idea! I always hit my toe on something on the way to the bathroom at night. Carol: Next is a special ice-cream scoop. This is my favorite invention. It runs on electricity and becomes hot. 听力材料 Alex: I know what it’s for! It’s used for serving really cold ice-cream. Carol: Yes, that’s right! The last invention I’m going to write about is shoes with special heels. You can move the heels up and down. Alex: What are they used for Carol: Well, you can change the style of your shoes. You can raise the heels if you are going to a party or lower them if you are just going out for shopping. 2b.Listen again and complete the chart below. Invention What is it/are they used for? shoes with special heels _____the style of the shoes③ shoes with lights seeing_____ hot ice- cream scoop _____really cold ice cream change in the dark serving 合作探究 Alex: Hi, Carol. Wow, what are those Carol: Hello, Alex. Oh, these are some of the interesting ... ...

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