
2019-2020学年福建省福州市闽清县九年级(上)期中英语试卷(含答案 无听力试题)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:61次 大小:135895Byte 来源:二一课件通
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2019-2020学年福建省福州市闽清县九年级(上)期中英语试卷 II. 选择填空 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)从每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的正确答案。 1.(1分)— What do you think of the boy? — He is a smart student today and _____ useful man tomorrow.(  ) A.a B.an C.the 2.(1分)— Have you been abroad ? — Yes,I visited London last year.(  ) A.never B.yet C.already 3.(1分)—Rita,you do well in English now. — Thank you.I can't make such great _____ without Mr.Black's help.(  ) A.project B.progress C.program 4.(1分)—What a nice house!How long have you _____ it? —For three years.(  ) A.buy B.bought C.had 5.(1分)Mr.Li has three daughters,but _____ of them lives with him.(  ) A.no one B.nobody C.none 6.(1分)﹣﹣Look!Someone ____ the ice box back to the corner. ﹣﹣Well,it wasn't me.I didn't do it.(  ) A.has moved B.is moving C.was moving 7.(1分)— What's the population _____China? — It's 1.37 billion.(  ) A.in B.of C.for 8.(1分)— Where is Peter? — He isn't here.He has _____ gone home.(  ) A.recently B.probably C.nearly 9.(1分)— Do you know when the bridge ? —Yes,last year.(  ) A.was built B.is built C.built 10.(1分)— Bruce,_____ the gas and electricity before you go out. — OK,Mom.(  ) A.take away B.run out C.shut off 11.(1分)— Mike,clean up your room,_____ your mother will be angry with you. — OK,I will do it at once.(  ) A.and B.or C.but 12.(1分)—Don't _____.I believe everything will be nice very soon. —Yes.We should believe in ourselves when we are in trouble.(  ) A.stay up B.hurry up C.give up 13.(1分)I always feel tired and sleepy.I want to avoid _____ at this time of the day.(  ) A.driving B.drove C.to drive 14.(1分)— How many teachers are there in your school? — 136,and two thirds of them _____ women.(  ) A.have B.are C.is 15.(1分)— Excuse me,sir.Do you know _____? — Well,go down this street to the end,you'll see it on your left.(  ) A.how can I get to the bank B.where I can find a restaurant C.where is the police station III.完形填空 (共1小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分) 16.(15分)Do you know the changes of life in China?Many years ago,life was much(1)   than it is today.People didn't have modern machines,and they had no time or(2)   to enjoy leisure activities.Many children couldn't get an education.However,(3)   the government's efforts,people's living conditions have improved a lot(4)   the reform and opening﹣up.People can enjoy longer holidays and get more incomes (收入).(5)   they have more chances to relax themselves and live a(6)   life.They move into tall and bright buildings.Most children study in schools with new classrooms and modern teaching equipments.After school,they can also(7)   club activities or play sports.(8)   are becoming easier and quicker.People use cellphones,fax machines ... ...

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