
Unit 2 How often do you exercise?单元基础测试2021-2022学年人教新目标英语八年级上册(word版无答案)

日期:2024-05-01 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:19次 大小:35038Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit 2 翻译。 帮着做家务 2.几乎从不 每天 4.每周一次 每月两次 6.每年三次 每周四次 8.上网 深夜不睡 10.至少;不少于 垃圾食品 12.对...有好处 四到六次 14.一点也不 问题的答案 16.例如 旧习难改 18. 多于/少于 19.--你周末通常做什么?--我经常运动。 20.--你多久去看电影一次?--我可能一个月看电影一次。 21.百分之二十的学生从来不运动。 二.单选。 ( )1.--Would you like some coffee?--No,thanks. I_____ have it. I think the best drink is water. A. often B. always C. never ( )2.--_____ did you hold a sports meeting in your school --Once a year. A. How soon B. How far C. How often ( )3._____ Simon has done well in his studies, he still works really hard. A. Although B. Because C. Unless ( )4._____ Bob is very tall, _____ he can’t play basketball. A./; but B. Although;but C. /;although ( ).--Oh, my god! I’ve left my keys in the room. I’ll have to get in _____the window. --It’s dangerous. You’d better wait for your mom to come back. A. Past B. across C. through ( )6. I think drinking milk is good _____ our health. A. for B. to C. with ( )7.It’s said that we’ll have to _____ at least one hour _____to Shanghai. A. take; flying B. spends; to C. spends; flying ( )8.We planted _____ 50,000 trees last year. A. at last B. at least C. at all ( )9.Frank enjoys doing all kinds of sports,_____ running, swimming and playing basket. A. of course B. such as C. as well ( )10. -- Sarah was late for the movie last night.-- I’m not surprised at all. She is _____ on time. A. often B. never C. always 完形填空。 How often do you get chocolate and chips Five ___1___a week That’s a bad ___2___habit. Every day we eat __3____food. Some are good for our health, and some are bad _4_____our health. What’s good food Here __5____a food pyramid(金字塔)。Every day, we should eat bread and rice; we should eat some vegetables and ___6__, maybe two apples or three oranges. A lot of bread, rice, vegetables and fruit help you keep in good __7____. We should have one glass or two glasses of milk and less fish,meat, chicken or fewer eggs. Of course, we should ___8__ ever eat junk food. Although chips and ice-cream are very delicious, ___9___ we can’t often eat them. They’re__10____Food. ( )1.A. time B. a time C. times D. / ( )2.A. eat B. to eat C. eats D.eating ( )3.A.lots of B. lot C.a lot D.many ( )4.A.in B. at C.of D. for ( )5.A. are B. have C. is D.has ( )6.A.meat B. bread C.rice D. fruit ( )7.A.healthy B. health C.habit D. habits ( )8.A. hard B. hardly C. often D. usually ( )9.A. but B. for C. of D. usually ( )10.A. healthy B. unhealthy C. health D.healthily 用所给词的适当形式填空。 Mo Yan is a famous _____(write). Nick is very _____(health). He takes excise every day. Linda has dance lessons _____(two) a week. The boy is too young. He can _____(hard) read and write. He goes to the park three _____(time) a month. 翻译下面的句子并且回答问题。 Last month we asked students about their free time activities. We found that only fifteen percent of our students exercise every day. 1.45%的学生一个星 ... ...

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