
Unit 5 July is the seventh month Lesson27 导学案(无答案)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:小学学案 查看:20次 大小:23372Byte 来源:二一课件通
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六年级英语上册导学案 主备教师: 审核教师: 授课教师: 授课时间: 授课班级:六年级 课型: 新授 学习内容:小学英语六年级上册第59页 课题: Unit 5 July is the seventh month Lesson 27 学习目标: 1、你能通顺的朗读本课课文,并且掌握: September is the ninth month of the year. October is the tenth month of the year. They are celebrating Teachers’ Day. China’s National Day is on October 1st. 2. 你能在具体情景中,描述九月和十月的相关内容,并能对其内容进行谈论。 学习重难点: 1.你能掌握词汇: September, October, Teachers’ Day. 以及句型: September is the ninth month of the year. October is the tenth month of the year. They are celebrating Teachers’ Day. China’s National Day is on October 1st. 2. 结合已有的知识,能够简单地描述九月和十月的相关内容。 学习准备:ppt课件、教学光盘 学习过程: 预习导学 1. 学习新的四会词语:September, October, Teachers’ Day _____ _____ _____ 三会词汇:the ninth month of the year _____ the tenth month of the year _____ National Day _____ 2.能够通顺地朗读课文,根据自己的理解翻译句子。(Just read anf talk)。 The students are giving their teachers flowers to show their love. _____ Look, the children are celebrating National Day. _____ 家长签字: 教师评价: 课堂助学 一、学情调查(配合预习) 1、说一说预习时候遇到的困难并记录。 2、Ask and answer:What’s your favourite month Why Ss: Answer and discuss: I_____like_____ because_____ 描述九月和十月的相关内容。 二、合作探究(新知探究) 学习引导(一) 利用多媒体展示September 、October。学生根据多媒体展示内容,逐渐正确地描述本课的目标。 学习引导(二) 展示本课的重点句型: September is the ninth month of the year. October is the tenth month of the year. 讲解较难句型: They are celebrating Teachers’ Day. China’s National Day is on October 1st. 三、巩固训练 一.用合适的词填空。 1. In China, the Spring Festival is in _____ or _____. 2. In China, Tree Planting Day is on _____ 12th. 3. _____ is the fourth month of the year. 4. We celebrate Teacher's Day on _____ 10th. 5. China's National Day is on _____1st. 四、当堂检测 1. giving the he students are their to teachers their flowers show love. _____ 2. the children Look, celebrating ,are National Day. _____ 拓展训练: 一.听录音,补全短文所缺单词。(必做) There are _____ in a year. _____is the ninth month of the year . In September students _____ to school. They celebrate _____ on September 10th. Look, the students are giving their teachers flowers _____ _____ their love. _____ is the _____ month of the year. China’ National Day is on _____ 1st. Look, the children are _____ National Day. 家长签字: 教师评价:

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