
新概念青少版入门Starter A Unit 4 Thank you, Mum! 课件+字母操(共55张PPT)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:92次 大小:50268958Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) Unit 4 Thank you, Mum! Review the letters A K B J G I H D F E C L M N O P a ball a cat an egg a dog an apple a fish a girl a hat an insect a jelly a kite a pig jelly hat ball egg orange insect cat fish pig girl apple kite an an an an a a a a a a a a dog a Say the colors. ___and ___. a boy boy [b ] 美[b ] n. 男孩 sun the sun 英[s n] n. 太阳 a table table 桌子 an umbrella umbrella [ m'brel ] 雨伞 boy sun table umbrella a the a an Sun, table. Sun,table. Sun,table,umbrella. Sun,table. Sun,table. Sun,table,umbrella. a boy and a girl the sun and the moon a pig and a cat an apple and an orange a boy a table and an umbrella a table and follow the teacher Act it out! Lesson 2 king queen D Listen and chant King,queen,king. Boy and girl. King,queen,king. Boy and girl. King,queen,king. Boy and girl. Boy and girl. Boy and girl. hurray 英[h 're ] 美[h 're] n. 万岁呼声;狂热 the king and queen 国王和王后 Happy birthday 生日快乐 a blue and yellow umbrella 一把蓝黄相间的伞 a an 国王和王后 the king and queen 一把蓝黄相间的伞 a blue and yellow umbrella 一把红绿相间的伞 a red and green umbrella 好哇! Hurray! 表示惊奇、愉快!Wow! 祝你生日快乐! Happy birthday! Lesson 3 大Q一圈加小棍, 小q像9后抬腿 queen 大R像P右伸腿, 小r一竖长一叉 red rabbit 大S大蛇弯两弯, 小s小蛇弯两弯 school sun 大T一横加一竖, 小t像钩加一横 table teacher 大U像个大油桶, 小u小桶带一钩 umbrella uncle 练习字母书写 little game:用身体部位在空中写字母,其他同学猜字母 读字母及对应单词 听写字母 下课前练习字母操

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