
Unit 6 I like hamburgers. Lesson 36 教案

日期:2024-05-16 科目:英语 类型:小学教案 查看:17次 大小:17896Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Lesson 36 1教学目标 知识与技能 (1)To review the new words and phrases:watch,game,win,swimming, running;play basketball. (2)To learn and master the sentences:We/They are …等. 过程与方法 Ask and answer、Look at PPT、 Listen to the tape and repeat、Act in role、 Talk in groups 情感态度与价值观 熟知世界上的主要体育运动,养成热爱体育的品质。 2教学重点 do the high jump/ do the long jump/run fast 3教学难点 正在进行时的特殊疑问句及答语;体会比较级faster。 4教学过程 热身/复习(Warm-up/ Revision) 利用前置性作业,梳理短语(组间奖励) 小组检查、奖励最快组。 下发任务单。 发散思维,情景填空 让学生分成几组,教师将小动物们正在进行各种活动场景图发给每组一张,请各组在规定时间内根据自己的知识储备至少说出5个(可记录下英文)表示可以再该场景活动的短语,为后面的创编活动打下基础。如: T: Look ay these pictures. Can you say some actions according to them Each group should write at least 5 phrases. 比赛场馆:play football,basketball,volleyball 联欢会:sing a song, play the piano, tell a story 房间场景图:clean the house, wash the clothes, make a call 2.新课呈现(Presentation) 问题导学,熟悉故事(组间奖励) T: I have a funny story for you, but before you listen to the story, look at the following questions first. Ask and answer: Q1. Where is Mickey going Q2. What are the elephants doing Q3. Who are swimming faster , dolphins or seals Q4. Who are running Q5. Are the horse and the giraffe doing the long jump or the high jump 学生带着问题认真听故事内容,并根据自己对故事的理解给出答案。 Share your questions. 预设:Be going to do将要 Are they going to win The giraffe is also going to do the high jump.6 听音标号,反馈答案 将课文图片呈现在大屏幕,引导学生头脑风暴,将听到内容与图片配对,完成听音排序。 Come on, dolphins! The animals are running fast. I’m going to the Animal’s Olympic Games.1 3) 你讲我演(组间奖励) Step1:教师向学生布置任务。 Step2: 4-6人一大组,明确角色分工。 Step3:根据分工,交流展示。 3.趣味操练(Practice) 1)说出含有含有现在进行时的句子(奖励贴纸) 预设:Be going to do将要 Are they going to win The giraffe is also going to do the high jump. 2)I say more(组间奖励) 男女比拼,看图说含有现在进行时的句子,看谁的记忆最好 Look,she is qingqing, a beautiful deer from Baotou. She likes playing volleyball. 3)Let’s check 语言拓展(Language use) 创设情境,编演对话。 场景设置: Kate 和Linda 来到了一家马戏团。动物么正在进行表演。两匹小马正在调高,三只小猴子正在吃香蕉,一只袋鼠正在跳来跳去,四只兔子正在跑步,两头大象正在打乒乓球,许多小动物正在观看表演,等等。 根据这一场景扮演小动物表演,每组派三个代表播报一下马戏团活动场面。 Step1: 教师向学生布置任务。 Step2: 4-6人一大组,明确表演者、播报员、导演等角色分工。 Step3:根据分工,各尽其职;创编对话,交流展示。 summary 重现重难点;奖励胜出小组和活跃大组 作业(Homework) 以小组为单位继续创编对话 熟背第六单元31,33,34课文 听写第六单元四会单词和句子一遍 ... ...

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