
Unit 7 What's the highest mountain in the world? Section B reading课件16张

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:32次 大小:14951189Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) Section B Reading Jin Yijia from Anzhou Middle School What’ s the highest mountain in the world The First 100 Days adult panda bamboo baby panda looks what to eat where to live What do you know about pandas … pink, black and white, big, cute, lovely … forests zoos research centers (研究中心) a symbol of … in danger endangered (wild pandas) panda keeper milk Skimming Para 1 Para 2 Para 3 Para 4 A common morning of panda keepers What people think of pandas Why pandas are endangered The ways of saving pandas Read the article quickly and match the paragraphs with the main ideas. Scanning 扫读 This means moving your eyes quickly down the page to find specific information(特定信息). Scan the article to find out what these numbers mean. 10 12 300 2000 Adult pandas eat 10 kilos of bamboo a day. Adult pandas spend more than 12 hours eating a day. 300 pandas or so live in zoos or research centers in China or other countries. There are now fewer than 2,000 pandas living in the forests. About 300 pandas Careful reading Read Para.1-2 and answer the questions. What is Lin Wei’s job What do panda keepers do every day What do baby pandas have for breakfast He/She is a panda keeper. (Para. 2) They take care of pandas and they wash, feed and play with them every day. (Para. 2) They have milk for breakfast. (Para. 1) wake up be awake 9 a.m. v. adj. hungry run over to … excited with excitement adj. n. = excitedly adv. walk into … 走路时撞到…… enjoy the milk fall over Careful reading Read Para.3 and find out: Why are pandas endangered Numbers Reasons There are _____ pandas live in the world now. Pandas do not have many babies, maybe _____ every _____ years. Baby pandas often live for a _____ time because of _____. Humans cut down _____, so pandas don’t have _____ and are having even _____ babies. other human activities about 2,300 only one illnesses short bamboo forests enough food fewer polluting the environment, making the weather warmer, hunting(捕猎) and killing, … two forests: _____ zoos and research centers: _____ < 2,000 300 or so n. Careful reading Read Para.4 and find out: How are people saving the pandas children endangered animals sending schools trying hard doing research habits Retell Para.3-4 with the help of these key words and phrases. baby pandas ways to save pandas 1; 2; illnesses 10 kilos; 12 hours 2,000; 300 an education program (teach… , send …) the Chinese government (try hard) scientists (do research, habits) pandas Retell 复述 As students, what can we do to help endangered animals Group Discussion Useful expressions: We can/could/should (not)… Don’t/ Never … We’d better … It’s good/important/… to … v.-ing… is a good way. Why not/Why don’t we … As students, what can we do to help endangered animals Plant more trees and save the forests. Save water and never pollute it. Put up signs and hand out notices to tell people about the importance of saving animals. ... ...

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