
Unit 2 I'll help to clean up the city parks. Revision 单元复习公开课件23+21张

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:初中学案 查看:32次 大小:18127552Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) Xianju Volunteer Group visit old people cheer up sick children in the hospital teach kids in an after-school program give out food give away clothes and other things clean up parks, streets and scenic spots put up signs hand out notices clean up ads on the wall plant more trees watch the traffic be a volunteer guide repair old things for free fix up broken bikes for free care for homeless people help disabled people raise money for people in need donate blood provide free medical care Xianju Volunteer Group duoer 道光 1志者 爱西剖 仙居义 仙居新闻网 地理 几面坐副奖1 进生4字口读 =顺 “ “过 闷仙居新闻网 题 湖协和医院 仙居新局网 无。偿轼 中园大 仙居新闻网 cn ● 开选年结旦网Listening: A: Hey, Helen. What are you doing B: Hi, Tom! I’ve joined a volunteer group, and I’m making plans for a volunteer job. A: Oh, really That’s fantastic! So where are you going to volunteer B: In a Hope Primary School. It’s in a small village, and most of the students are left-behind children. A: I see. Then what are your plans B: I’m still working on it. Do you have any ideas A: Well, maybe you could play games with them and tell them some stories. B: Good idea! Kids love stories. A: You could also give out some gifts to cheer them up. B: Like what A: How about some books, or small toys B: Sounds good. A: And why don’t you give away some clothes and school things B: Yes! It will make all the kids very happy. A: You could also raise some money for the school. B: Uh-ha, that’s our plan, too! My group has already made some notices to tell people about it, and I’m going to put them up! A: Oh, nice! By the way, can I join you B: Of course! We will go there at 8:00 this Saturday morning. A: And where shall we meet B: At the bus station. We’ll take a busthere.(课件网) Unit 2 I’ll help to clean up the city parks. Revision By Jin Yijia From Anzhou Middle School help Xianju Volunteer Group Being a v_____ is a good way to help people. You can v_____ to help people in any way you like! olunteer olunteer They help people in need. They give a hand to people who need help. n. v. … visit old people cheer up sick children hand out notices put up signs clean up parks raise money What kinds of people do olunteers help old people children the disabled (people) the sick (people) the homeless (people) the poor (people) … empty nesters Let’s help the empty nesters! nest an empty nest an empty nester Empty nesters’ children have grown up and left home, so they live a____ and feel l_____! lone onely How can we help empty nesters We can/could+ do. We should+ do. Let’s + do. Why not+ do Why don’t we+ do It’s a good way+ to do. What/How about+ doing visit them and talk to them listen to them and care for them read newspapers to them help out with some housework celebrate their birthdays and the Double 9th Festival for them raise some money for them … I want to… ... ...

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